Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Laundry Disneyland Paris


Hello and a wonderful day to you all. How you look, I've
excellent mood today.
(I wonder just what you shall see that. Therefore I tell you. I have excellent mood)
Now you ask yourselves why I am now so much delight in the world.
I'll tell you. And it now. Right now:
Today there was content.
The first salary.
And how many were there?
This question I answer.
! There was € 489.49!
are therefore for 40 € more than I expected. Hach yes, life has meaning again.
Jan and I were happy all day and nothing could spoil our mood. Also Jan
than about 0.5 liters of Coke spilled on the table, we could only laugh.
short time later I spilled cocoa drink 0.23 liters. (Umgs-spr.: cocoa [. Umgs-spr -> {colloquially colloquially -> German normal}]) and it did not bother me.
Even as someone today the evil "as such" errors, made it took me one bit from the rest.
brief explanation of the "as such" phenomenon.
"As" is used when two things are different and they are compared:
(My head is bigger than yours, I have a water head.)
"Like" used is when two things are the same / similar and they are compared: (.. My head looks like yours seems you are also a forceps delivery)

For the very clever, "How" comes to the positive, "As" is after the comparative.

Author's note: I do not have a water head, nor am I a forceps delivery. That was just an example to get you to explain the phenomenon. This is not a blog about water heads or forceps deliveries, if someone has landed on the Internet looking for a blog about water heads or forceps deliveries to the site. Thank you!

Today, we were immediately admonished several times but to collect even the blue and red boxes.
Jan: "We always make very sure that we take the boxes."
Mrs P: "If that were the case, the boxes were here."
Rummer door slammed to. January
looked puzzled and then imitates a bird should represent the woman P..
On the whole we let ourselves today to start discussions.

If we were talking and someone disagreed with us today, we broke that person: ".. This should be no discussion here, this was a civil official arrangement and not a discussion point"

were therefore done for 90% of the issues.
Some senior physicians naturally wanted to happen rather listen to reason.
These could be then calm of Kimberly and Stacy.
(For more information about the actions of Stacy and Kimberly they receive when they join the Premium Club)

Later I got a conversation with two women. I think that virtually all conversations take place between women, too.
The first woman is mentioned in the following two women, the second woman to be named women's first

Woman 2: "Oh .. oh Duuuuu diiiir How are you."
Woman 1: "Och jaaa najaaaa it geeeeht.."
Woman 2: ".. Joaaar at miiiir aaaaauch The weather bothers me."
Woman 1: "You are quite blässchen around the nose."
Woman 2: "... Oh yeah yeah Hach Former Jajaaaa."
Woman 1: "My son is .'re Still sick, "
Woman 2:" Really? Oh yeah. But is the much better "
Woman 1:". Jajaaa. It goes like this. You I must go on. Tschüssiiii "
Woman 2:" Ciaoiiiii. Until the day again. "

Strangely, the women have changed, despite a relatively long maintenance time very little information.
Perhaps call this the reason why women for hours.
Man (n) do not know. By the way, I feel the spelling of" Man ( n) ". a most ridiculous
Then you can still write the same:" ".
Just because" man homophonic man "and" man ", same sounding subject, the need's not any of these absolutely unpleasant quality joke Please stop.. It's not funny!
I just "Man (n) is written out of sheer provocation.

talked Towards the end of Jan and I are about the life of Goethe.
Since we are both highly educated young men, we did not know the right answer.
(This ... sentence was illogical [false causality])
So we asked for on the wards and in the pharmacy
Since we could not answer the question precisely, we looked on the internet
The best answers to the stations.

doctor: " Sun at 1900th "
Ehhhm, exactly. The famous Goethe's poems," Oh my dear industrialization "and" Today I drive train "are so widely known.

sister: "About the Middle Ages"

The Middle Ages covers a good 1,000 years. 500 - 1500th AD, is understood
As Goethe was born in 1749, this brilliant response was even wrong.
If this sister but only adds to the time period.
"Approximately between Caesar and Hitler."
"Approximately between glacial and computer time."
"Approximately between big bang and end of the world."
But that was the good sister, of course.

At the pharmacy we asked the boss.
Normally I would now maintain the illusion that he is full of knowledge, but the situation was too funny.

Me: "Oh boss know it when Goethe was born?"
Dr. Incredib: "Ehm, yes, uh, uh, well, uh, so 1630th"
Jan: "Eeeeeeh, almost."
Dr. Incredib: "The was 80 years or so."
Me: "Yes, he was born in 1749."
Jan: "And he died 1832nd"
Dr. Incredib ". But the moment is not gonna work then he would be 202 years.." I
: "????"
Jan: "???"
Dr. Incredib ". Why are you so stupid looks from 1630 to 1832 are exactly 202 years."
Me: "Ehhm, boss, we have just said that he was born 1749 and died in 1832, these are exactly 83 years.."
Dr. Incredib. "Yes, and I say, that he was born in 1630 and was over 80. Thus he died about 1710, "
Jan:". They want lies the Internet, "Dr.
Incredib:" Snip snap. Do you want to say I'm lying? "

thus had already won the boss again.
So who won the best once again.



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