Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Repair Broken Capillaries

struggle of emotions - how feelings of world politics determine

Author: Dominique Moisi

How much is directed world politics of feelings?

At first glance policy with feeling has to do precious little, apparently because geopolitical decisions are based but on a purely rational considerations. In this book Moisi schildet to the first time the interactions between policy and feelings, and shows that and how the latter determined the world politics. The reader gets impressively made aware that he can not understand the world as long as he is not serious about emotions.

Clash of Civilizations - one by cultural differences and ideologies divided world. Samuel Huntington coined this term in the '90s. Moisi noted the global clash of emotions . Europeans and Americans struggle for identity and live in fear cultures (especially since the September 11, 2001 ) and the Muslim world is caught in a feeling of shame. The Islam sees itself as the main losers of globalization and looks, konfroniert with Western modernity, in a deep crisis . But this culture of humiliation turns more and more into a culture of hatred . In contrast, Asia filled with hope and happiness.

If these three disparate feelings clash with full force, they dominate the world politics much stronger than cultural differences. Moisi, showing whether and how this conflict is and how this entschärfbar a new world order can develop.


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