Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blood In Stool Lumps In Testicles

The cholesterol lie

Everybody knows him - no one like him: the cholesterol . For the pharmaceutical industry the lowering our cholesterol one million business, as well as doctors and margarine industry. Professor Hartenbach and some leading scientists have come to the knowledge that a cholesterol-lowering completely unnecessary, even harmful, and in some cases even life threatening is. was Alarmed

the public by the drug Baycol which the cholesterol should lower, however, has caused several deaths. However, few know the true extent of the deception decision that prevails among the population about cholesterol.

The guide is well understood and tried to clean up the biggest mistakes and explain the positive effect of cholesterol on the human organism . His comments also show that widely feared widespread diseases such as heart attack or atherosclerosis have nothing to do with high cholesterol . Instead, he shows how these diseases really can be avoided.

The author is very important, the population of the psychological terror of to free cholesterol opponents. Way could be both unnecessary fears, partly massive health and even heaped prevent cancer and deaths.

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The cholesterol lie - Prof. Dr. Walter Hart Bach


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