Monday, December 27, 2010

Fashion Mid Night Hot

Survivalism Preparedness and

The preparation for a mysterious "big day" since the breakup of the Warsaw Pact, the non-occurrence of the year come 2000 Disasters and finally the absence of detail to the sweeping economic crisis such as 1929 bit out of fashion in any event, broad movement in the U.S. and Europe or on remittances as a state or quasi-governmental structure (eg, civil protection is largely extinct). This movement in various Respects quite well given rise to criticism. Undoubtedly, the basic idea of the preparation is entitled to crisis scenarios, but still.
taking into account only a few personal and private experiences of recent years, easily found a sufficient number of examples of the benefits of preparation:
  • The winter night alone in the middle of the highway in a traffic jam at -10 degree
  • The rainy, windy and cold night, at the German track to another with many passengers because of the storm Kyrill somewhere in the nothingness of the ICE Station South Limburg in the middle of the night from the train had
  • The day when the heater in the middle of winter turned out and you suddenly with his small children in the dark and the cold sat and sleep did not trust, so that none of them under cool
are not included here experiences in far away (hunting -) travel destinations, freezing to death in areas of training or hard situations of soldiers or individual risk experience, for example, when Verschüttetsein, gegnerischem under fire, the boat capsized or threatened.
At this point - in the face of a DAX-state of 7,000 meters and an apparently well-going Christmas shopping - not speculation be, how would a collapse of the euro, affect a bankruptcy of some of our major Western economies, a prolonged interruption of gas supplies from Russia or a world resounding military conflict as that between North and South Korea on us. It may be that we could trace all the warmth with a bag of chips and a beer on television, may be that we would suffer.
F UR so many of our friends in the USA or in southern Africa are looting, incendiary mobs, erratic electricity and water supply and storm not fiction, but one of these phenomena was several times in life at present.
Let us hold fast that which is fundamental to dealing with preparations for emergencies and make sense - a healthy dose of realism provided - stress the "normal" life or not must affect.
When we say basically Preparedness - so do we call this setting in the following without connection to any models or organizations - makes sense, then we should ask ourselves how and on what we do and can prepare. In the following, therefore, seem a loose series of contributions to it.
Here Place the following only: Basically Preparedness shall, at a relatively low level the following:
  • protection from cold (especially in heat loss)
  • Supply during electricity failure (cooking, lighting)
  • supply when food shortages (path closed and / or dealers themselves)
  • protection against fire and accidents in the home environment
  • protect the house and its inhabitants from rising crime
regard to the particular preparations in the winter that some of these issues Include explaining the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, for example: "With winter weather, and regional or local power failures are not entirely excluded. Since many public and private services depend on the availability of electricity, it can come in a possible power outage to supply problems: How can fail stove and heater, drinking water may be temporarily unavailable and the phone can not work at times. ... The Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) recommends in principle for winter weather, the private stocks of food, necessary medicines and Cash at home so hold that an autonomous power supply can be ensured for the family for three to four days without any significant purchases. should this be considered, would have to be heated in the event of a prolonged power failure, food, drinks and water through a current-independent heat source (eg camping gas stove). "
to protect against the cold and to the supply of electricity failure we have in other contexts already Texts Published:
With regard to food shortages, the Federal Office said: "Judging every household should create a supply of food and beverages for one to two weeks. In the selection, care should be taken to ensure that the foods longer without refrigeration and stored (such as a power failure) can also be eaten cold. When disasters are especially expected in a case of defense, must also be a disturbance of the water supply or even with a contamination of drinking water. Man can indeed also for three weeks without food, but live only four days without liquid. That is why part of every emergency supply necessarily a sufficient amount of liquid. To meet these requirements are, mineral water, fruit juices or other beverages stored longer. In our check list for tables is given in which the daily needs of a person of food and beverages. Please consider this and to any necessary special diet, such as diabetics, or baby food. Also in the household animals should be considered in the stock. "
Beneficial little of obscure (and probably taste disgusting) special stocks in question, and instead of what you eat normally.
Given the current political climate it would be contemporary to omit the extensive defense case with attacks on German territory, but other than that, remains the reference date. There are indeed environmental and natural disasters, extreme weather, epidemics, etc. In order to rely on inventories, it is enough to for singles is too sick for a while to leave the house, or if you care as a single parent of a sick child needs and therefore can not leave the house or when you can buy because of a hard winter slump and a greater distance to the nearest shopping place nothing. There are many other reasons. I myself is a relatively trivial event in memory, as my spouse to H1N1 (known colloquially as "swine flu") was ill and I had to care for him and my little children for several days without leaving the house (we were in quarantine, so to speak).
For this case I had taken precautions, in which I had bought a large quantity of beverages and in two "batches" divided (lemonade, mineral water and beer, not so bad and now with this system certainly is not). Whenever the first batch - and six crates of water, three sodas and two beers - was consumed, I bought it from scratch. I've used up but not this new (third), but the left remained second. In this way, was at worst a full and complete charge available - but usually more than that is exactly the procedure I used with staple foods such as pasta, rice, jam, biscuits, baby food, etc., and often demanded some food cans. Since there are foods is that we use anyway, I have no money for emergency rations, Travel lunch or any other non-daily use and output is often best, bland-tasting foods that end up at best after two or three years intact in the garbage.
The protection against fire and accidents in the home environment is far less expensive than the food question, although not in vain. Let's say you have at home two floors and each several potential sources of fire such as a boiler room, a kitchen, a stove or fireplace in the garden and maybe a barbecue or a fireplace. And let's say you have children who sleep in separate rooms. If you buy for each of the two floors with a fire extinguisher (powder) and at one, all the known place mount, and next to the kitchen (grease fires) have a fire blanket and in the bedrooms VdS-certified smoke detectors (especially in younger children in your own room, a central body that alerts you when it burns in children), then you have spent relatively little (created especially in relation to the burglary), but a really decent level of protection. You should invest a few more thoughts on escape routes and safety, including for example, not that no one can leave quickly from the inside the apartment or the house if necessary. And if you raise now a kind of fire drill, where everyone is out of his room or from another location in the house from the outside go have (this can especially with children can also be fun), then you are on fire protection matters very well prepared.
How about it now, if you are not only at least every two years, and better every year, refresh your first aid course and have reasonably fit for medical supplies in the house (and in the car and possibly to himself)? If you are going to shoot or even more so on a hunting trip, but also buy medical supplies and other small items and become familiar with their use, because you might with an injury or wound must help itself. Why do not you build some and keep at a central location an easy usable case for quick access ready (and not just a few plasters and bandages somewhere in a cabinet next to pharmacies all the expired drugs that have been so).
Finally, you can maybe put before your key from the inside. If so, you may have marveled at how quickly the locksmith came in spite of you. But the latest when they one of the victims of burglaries 113 800 2009 (of which 48,401 days burglaries), you are the subject protection of the house and its inhabitants think of rising crime important. The local conditions are so different that there can be only for individual solutions and many measures are simply too expensive. In general, however, say that "suspenders and belt" have the right strategy to protect themselves, so several priorities in the areas of: light / motion, structural coverage with grilles, door reinforcements, additional locks or new, certified door systems, burglar alarm systems and use of a dog. All these measures will not only make the "Day X" is a valuable service, when "a horde want to storm hungry your house," but they help are against the very real danger, a victim of this probably about 100,000 criminals who would like your TV, your jewels and your cash either by yourself or a close look.

The following description has done precious little to do with preparation for "Day X" and not wasted their money. Without preparation, it is substantive enough to develop and not just the "right mind-set" is not where, without electricity, Water and light to sit home and wait for the pizza service but still delivers in the flood zone or in the dead of winter.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Can You Get Into The Army With Eczema

Merry Christmas ...

... all hunters, shooters, collectors and especially all of our soldiers on duty in the barracks at home and certainly in all fields - especially the men and women in Afghanistan. Thanks to you and come back healthy. We think especially of our fallen and wounded comrades and their families.

Monday, December 20, 2010

University Of Toronto Women Hairy Armpits

war propaganda during World War

showed interviews with the Allies in March 1945 that between December 1944 and March 1945 between 66 and 90 percent of the captured Germans had seen Allied flyers. About two-thirds of them reported to have been influenced by it. Although these figures must be seen in the particular situation of the emerging German defeat, but they give an approximate idea of the potential of war propaganda.
A more precise definition follows from the practical implementation of the propaganda. A directive of the Allied Expeditionary Force Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), 11 March 1944 well-defined types and impact areas of the Allied propaganda. Accordingly, strategic propaganda against the German Troops and the population in Germany and occupied areas addressed. They should "break the resistance of the enemy and support the morale of us sympathetic to [.]". Strategic actions use propaganda radio broadcasts, leaflets, agents, and rumors. propaganda battle or tactical propaganda directed against themselves to the armed forces in the front lines and the people behind the enemy lines. It relies on mobile radio stations, monitoring departments. Sound trucks, field and tactical printing leaflets.
understood the Germans in the same year under propaganda "a weapon of national and international politics in the formation of public opinion." The Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda issued general guidelines, but the actual practical work led by the propaganda units of the armed forces, monitored and managed by military authorities. Propaganda troops led by not only tactical propaganda, but were also responsible for war reporting and censorship exercised over military operations. Just as the Allies, the Germans, the propaganda with the aim of the will to win of their own troops and population to sustain and undermine the morale of the enemy.
died in 1945 from the concept of propaganda, but rather lived on in the cold war. from political practice, Werner Lambertz, former Secretary of the Politburo of the SED, propaganda, referred to as "convincing, changing (and) to deliberate act leading ideological activities."
white, black, gray: what kind of propaganda
The various forms of propaganda, a distinction is also following the disclosure of their sender. Under white propaganda is defined as a measure, for example a flyer, a radio station or newspaper that is open to assign a sender.

The term propaganda is often used and rarely defined. The communication scientist Gerhard Maletzke understands propaganda as "planned experiments [.], By communicating the thoughts, attitudes, behaviors to influence target groups with political aims. "

White propaganda
examples of white propaganda from the Second World War, both in broadcasting the BBC (British Broadcasting Corperation), as found also in those of the German Reich Radio. In the native language of the enemy broadcasts were aired, which should bring the enemy population to the attention of other information and opinions, as the official organs of their governments.
White propaganda was also directly used successfully on the battlefield. As part of the propaganda Details "Winter Tale" 1944 on the eastern front some basic principles has been made to prevail. According to a memorandum of Hans Weidemann, Lieutenants and SS war correspondent and after the war staff of the magazine "Stern", was not only the troops on the unique role of propaganda informed, providing them with the necessary propaganda troops - at least one train per division or corps - improved and the appropriate personnel and material, but also ensured the mass release by the Air Force. They used also howitzers and mortars to the firing of projectiles with leaflets and balloons. Man Willow asked to focus on the battlefield propaganda, and pushed together use sound trucks and leaflets. Through close collaboration and standardized with the IC-region (intelligence gathering and analysis), the reconnaissance should be better than have been in the service of propaganda. The Red Army was in the middle attack in preparation, as flyers and announcements was tempted to defect and simulation propaganda urging the fear of the soldiers prior to the application of self-mutilation and simulation of diseases and injuries. The main difficulty of the defectors was obviously to overcome their own obstacles and do not reveal to other soldiers. During an attack, and against an already enemy was so shocked this kind of battlefield propaganda is most effective. The largest sound truck with a 1,000 watt system could under the best conditions to send far up to 9,000 meters. The other speakers were achievements 300-3000 meter range.
Exact defectors statistics are not available for this company. However, there are assumptions, based on numbers of defectors and prisoners' statements of the army that has just lost the Red Army, the staff of eleven divisions of the German propaganda. A single propaganda campaign with sound trucks should have won in the year 1941 12.000 defectors. In particular, the loudspeaker announcements with music of different peoples of the Soviet Union and a military choir of volunteer prisoners seem to have appealed to the Red Army. It has certainly also difficult to assess the attitudes of people in the former Soviet Union and its dissatisfaction with the Stalinist regime out. The initial military successes of the Wehrmacht in the East should have played a not insignificant role. On the other hand, it was during the winter months, in which the active propaganda has been discontinued, no defectors and the rumors about the treatment in German prisoner of war who were picked up by the Soviet propaganda Inter strengthens the will to resist the Red Army.

Anders assessed Julius Mader, author of several "investigative books" of the BND, and German politicians from the East German view of the Cold War, naturally German propaganda campaigns in the Second World War, its description as a collaboration between Reinhard Gehlen Foreign Armies East and the Reich Security Main Office (RSH) created: "Gehlen had to soften even the illusion that is, the morale of Soviet troops and the political and moral resolve of the Soviet Union fraternal nationalities living side by side with a thousand tons of paper can be." The background of this representation of a personal interest should Gehlen attempt be it as BND chief (from the perspective of the East one of the main opponents) get with the RSH Logo and beyond to promote the indissoluble brotherhood of the Soviet peoples, the same current, or - in the case of a hot conflict between the blocks - future activities West German psychological warfare can seem pointless. Reinhard Gehlen
describes himself in his memoirs, for example, the action "silver lining" in the 1,500 Russian officers and soldiers and propagandists in Dabendorf trained by the Germans and then were used. It is indeed to any success, are called but the number of 176 infantry, cavalry and artillery battalions and 38 work, security and training units in company strength, were made by peoples of the Soviet Union and a few surrounding countries.

battlefield propaganda in German, which was directed against the armed forces, was operated by German soldiers had defected in the employ of the Red Army. Not only marked as such, members of the so-called "National Committee Free Germany worked with sound trucks, pamphlets and newspapers directly to the front against their former comrades, but also in Soviet defectors uniforms. Some deserters were even used in their army uniform as a hidden fighting troops. Disguised as patrols, they could make propaganda material directly into the front line of the Wehrmacht.
A publication of the DDR describes surprisingly open about the National Committee, but with much glorifying nature, how are these shock troops of the infiltrated international law on the part of the Soviet army in their German uniforms (some with forged papers, medals and ranks) in the German lines in order to operate long-distance education work or propaganda, "'Thank you', drawled the driver of the distance patrols and raises casual hand to his cap, deceptively similar to [...] a typical officer in the fascist army and thus learned the military police, whom they had supplied so generously, was to them as thanks for their kindness the call of the National Committee 'Free Germany' glued to the window shutters. In which service was known as the National Committee is added bluntly: "In support of the Soviet Guard Lieutenant Colonel cousins I drive today as a representative of the Front National Committee 'Free Germany' by train from Moscow to Leningrad. [...] In my bag I lead the uniform of a German lieutenant with wide black and white with a red armband. I will promote the manifesto of the National Committee under the German soldiers and officers. "

The positive presentation of the results of the National Committee in the East German publication belies the widespread ineffectiveness of the Soviet propaganda of time: "The question is where the station is one of Germany 'Free Germany' can be with the word 'all' answer. [...] In the transmitter was M. 'Free Germany 'during a course of training in the infantry barracks for several weeks, one every night. In an air base was in June 1944, the transmitter of the National Committee by Speaker belongs to all the rooms, because the radio was out of the room of the officer on duty centrally controlled. The use of German writers and speakers could give the Soviet propaganda at any time anywhere near the credibility westalliierter measures.
black propaganda
In contrast to white propaganda is black propaganda, but always a false or fictitious sender or creator.
One example is from the Second World War, the "military radio stations Calais, posing as a military power station, but was operated by a British unit of deception SHAEF.
operated the Germans during the French campaign the station "Radio Humanité, which was operated by the Propaganda Ministry and Communist camouflage contributed significantly, a huge wave of refugees behind the lines of the French army and the trigger British expeditionary force, thus affecting their freedom of operation. Another black German station "comrade du Nord" tried before the outbreak of fighting in 1940 to give the impression that it was a French underground station, who advocated a policy of understanding.
The production of uncertainty and confusion for the opponent and the disruption of its operational capacity to act, its military and civilian branches and their interaction is one of the most desired effects of black propaganda campaign. There were dropped such as fact sheets from the British with the sender and the stamp of the German police, in which has been looking for imaginary German deserters in German uniform. The idea was to create confusion and army and police involved and discredit.

Tiefschwarz: image forgeries
How many of the We were forged in the context of familiar images of war propaganda measures, is not nearly unknown. In addition to the photo montage is primarily Asked shots.
Alain Jaubert refers to the histories of two important paintings. The still in many works on the Second World War or the Afrika Korps to-find English recording of the alleged capture of Tobruk in October 1942, is "a moving production that a few days after the battle by using smoke bombs" had been made.
Looted watches the flag bearer retouched

allowed a much greater extent the Russians in 1945 after the end of the fighting, the conquest of Berlin, including the storming of the Reichstag and the capture of the remaining German bunker Officers to film and adjust. The Soviet military photographer Yevgeny Khaldei describes the origin of his image by hoisting the red flag over the Reichstag: "It was early morning of 2 May 1945. I entered the Reichstag building. [...] A young soldier was sympathetic towards me. I had a red flag in his hand. He said: 'Lieutenant dawei, let us climb onto the roof with the flag'. 'That's why I'm here,' I said. [...] I searched long after compositional possibilities. Then I said, 'Guys, go and stand out there and hoist the flag and at the place'. " Apparently it was also important to change the image of the enemy within the meaning of own goals. The cover of the army published by British magazine "Parade" was in 1943 as an alleged German soldier, who should be the beaten Afrika Korps. The caption "master race" master race, is in contradiction to the physiognomy of the person. The responsible soldiers of the Army Film and Photographic Unit, said to the image after the war, that the represented person "was the ugliest character you could find on the streets of Cairo and put in a uniform similar panel was". be
forgeries are also there, where pictures does not call, but deliberately in the wrong context. One of the most famous images of war Robert Capa apparently shows a soldier killed during the English Civil War. This image is now labeled "Why?", Used to protest against war. During the English Civil War, this "snapshot of high suggestive power [...] to most printed visual symbol of sacrifice and martyrdom in the fight against the evil of fascism," as Mira Beham also writes and has called on the armed resistance. An impartial and critical study of the origin of the image but could give no information about who and what the picture really shows and who has taken out.
These findings should lead to a fundamentally critical position against allegedly "true" and "incorruptible" pictures lead. Before it is unclear who, how, when and by whom the recordings made, they show little or nothing. To view all or slightly more ambiguous. This applies to both images in modern books as well as in exhibitions such as the then controversial Wehrmacht exhibition.

leaflets dropped from U.S. aircraft

Grey propaganda
As Gray propaganda finally called measures that do not specify authors and not otherwise classified on the basis of distinction is superficial. Gray propaganda may allow the receiver but by their contents drawn on the real or fictitious sender.
Apart from the fact that black or gray propaganda measures to deceive the recipient aware, it was also the recipient that the sender knew the real, credible also assure themselves about the sender not to have been aware of this. Because in many situations, it was strictly forbidden to acquire enemy propaganda, and certainly, to spread it more. Who but an assurance could he have kept the relevant "information" for its own troop information, could feel a little safer. be matched
The different types of propaganda must be coordinated with each other and to the entire war in order to develop impact.
countermeasures against propaganda
countermeasures against propaganda included not only the ban on "enemy stations" to listen and to have flyers, but also the prompt or the command, it immediately with "enemy propaganda" to highlight and supervisors or police bodies and of the site to convey. There were also brochures from the Wehrmacht propaganda in the High Command of the Armed Forces who were demonstrating, as retouched by the Allies and photos were faked, and the effect could have it.

The psychological impact of their own forces and population is a common measure to counter actual or alleged enemy propaganda. In the National People's Army (NPA) have been under psychological defenses deemed to include the hate propaganda directed against the "class enemy", the potential opponent. Special facilities, such as the Cabinet on the political and psychological preparation of military personnel to the war, "were carried out systematically by officers constitute the political department in numerous properties and the officer university" Franz Mehring "like Koop and Schoessler. They showed in multi-media representations of war scenes and horrific images of so-called capitalist societies. Whether such psychological cabinets in the light of modern understanding of combat stress and stress management in an armed conflict would have been productive, however, is questionable. Walter Lambert explained according to this view in the GDR in a paper in 1972, the decisions of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED to the effect that - as Hundhausen quotes - "agitation and propaganda even more determined to round strengthening of our socialist East Germany, for their [.] to concentrate more and more established fixture in the socialist community " are. One of the most important tasks is to develop people to socialist personalities. This process would take the mass media of the GDR a key position, and therefore in addition to social scientists, journalists are major sources of propaganda. The systematic education for hatred of the potential enemy was denied by the leadership of the army not. The General Colonel Kessler stressed that the goal is education, "with all members of the army, border troops and civil defense of the GDR in uncompromising confrontation with the enemy's ideology of revolutionary vigilance and unrelenting hatred of the enemy auszuprägen" as cited Hartke.

is of course the propaganda was not finished with the end of the Cold War. The forms have changed - you think about the amateur videos of the Islamists in Afghanistan and aerial photographs of suspected Iraqi missile sites - the underlying mechanisms have remained the same.

psychological warfare on the radio
war in the dark. Misinformation and educate the Stasi
Information Operations of the U.S. armed forces
- M. Beham: war drums. Media, war and politics. 1995th
- O. Buchbender: The German propaganda sounding narrator against the Red Army in the 2nd World War II. 1978th
- K. Hartke: The role of radio-electronic media in the ideological diversion of NATO countries. In: Military Affairs. 10/81.
- E. Howe: The black propaganda. An insider report on the most secret operations of British intelligence during World War II. 1983rd
- C. Hundhausen: propaganda. Foundations, principles, materials, sources. 1975th
- A. Jaubert: Photographs of the lying. Policies through false images. 1989th
- K. Kirchner: Disease saves. Psychological warfare. 1976th
- V. Koop and D. Schößler: Heritage NVA. Impressions of their history and the days of the change. 1992nd
- J. Mader: The gray hand. A settlement with the Bonner intelligence. 1960th
- T. Le Tissier: German against German. Traces of armed 'Seydlitz troops'. In: Military History. 4 / 95.
- B. Wittek: British air war against the Third Reich. The German war broadcasts of the British Broadcasting Corporation. 1962nd

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lyrical Costumes Expensive

self-defense in Sittingbourne?

In Sittingbourne (Niedersachsen) has a gang of five Albanians, including at least one of known offenders, a 77-year-old handicapped man attacked on his property. When the perpetrator had robbed the man who found a safe and alarm triggered accidentally, it was a mess, during which the old man an offender shot and killed with his legal weapon. Already stirs protest. Can I threaten to shoot heavy criminals life and limb?

We do this question at this point does not legally recognize . Right to speak in Germany still courts, not newspapers, not politicians. A court will determine if the old man could invoke his right to self-defense. He had his gun legally as a hunter.
We want to answer the question with the famous common sense. To make it short: We believe - and without knowing the details - the man had reason to defend with the weapon.

The man was old and walked with crutches . He found himself against five offenders.
First, he must have been the perpetrators grown physically in any case, if he had fought in other ways. Second, he had expected, even if he had not fought to be forced by the use of violence to reveal the data of debit card, cash and jewelry hiding in the house. Even if he would have given anything, it could well be that the perpetrators so that not fewer than five would have been satisfied. An old man can more easily be physical violence to nursing care, as a younger man.
Not only is there enough Examples of how criminals torture their victims in their own house in order to make more loot, but just been too close to this crime scene was another elderly man was killed during a robbery.

There were five offenders. The victim identified a sixteen-year-old Albanian who was as well known offenders. You have to be not influenced by prejudice, get out of this Constellation - we call it this way - to derive more problematic relationship to violence. This may be the case with a high degree of uncertainty for the perpetrators and a group dynamic process marked situation (eg prey appears too low for the risk, fear of discovery, controversial ranking in the gang) exponentially.
First, the old man why any "negotiated settlement" as an excluded and only flight (impossible, since old and unable to walk) or resistance success appeared to be promising.
Second, the old man has been in an extreme situation (five masked men threaten him), in which he is hardly an accurate analysis of his situation and a peaceful prognosis on his survival and his physical integrity can be expected.
The question of whether the criminal was killed about 16 or 18, not only because of immaterial because he was masked. It is therefore also negligible because criminals of this caliber and deal in such a "career" as brutal as adults and are no less dangerous.

invite in and discussing the first time?

The police and the prosecution can not be everywhere. That is clear. But increasingly many are urging citizens to avoid the impression that they are hardly in a position to crimes, including violent crime, to dominate. The other point to cited crime report calls dramatically high crime figures (and treated naturally only the statistically recorded light field), so that may stagnate or decline, a minimum not be interpreted to some extent as a success. This is not the fault of the police, who are increasingly thinned, due to cost in the area in decline and in some, nearly go areas can hardly dare without seeing it afterwards exposed to considerable political pressure. Instead, police should at the football game to the alternative festival 1st District May, both of which regularly degenerate into some serious violence, a grueling, poorly paid and often despised service provided, the less and less Opportunities to combat crime effectively.
principle has won every citizen's right to physical integrity, to protect his life and his property. Examples such as the brutal murder of Dominik Brunner, who won a beautiful medal, because he "did everything right" and "show courage" has - even though he was somewhat criticized because he has once learned boxing and taken appropriate defensive position - show yes, as a violent incident can also start (BTW: Brunner had called the police).
And if someone is so against an old, handicapped man five heavy criminals see that threaten him and potentially his life, he also has the moral right, on the other hand fight with all of him in this situation means available.
But what would have been if the victim would have been 35 years old, healthy and strong? How does an exemplary behavior from the perspective of victims of green or left-wing politician or star, or the time of the taz - those to each weapon, at least every legal weapon to keep a weapon for too much? And how would these people behave themselves as victims of violence? Ironically, a Critics of the sharpest weapons in the U.S., Senator RC Soles, with 74 years also has an older man, on 12 December also a shot criminals who threatened him at his home. Why he has not attacked and abuse have?
Is not it true that the legal, private gun ownership reduces crime and does not promote. There are indeed some findings:

"In sum, banning guns for the general public Increases people's vulnerability and fails to reduce violence because the law-abiding citizenry are victims of violent crime, not Perpetrators."

G. Mauser: Some International Evidence onGun Bans and Murder Rates. Fraser Forum. Oktober 2007. Volltext
"Many myths needlessly frighten people and prevent them from using the most effective means for defending themselves and their families. The first myth is that if you are attacked, passive behavior is the safest approach. … By far the safest course of action for either a woman or a man confronted by a criminal is to brandish a gun. Women who behave passively are 2.5 times more likely to end up being seriously injured than women who resist a criminal confrontation with a gun. Men who behave passively are 1.4 times more likely to end up being seriously injured than men who resist a criminal confrontation with a gun."

J. R. Lott: More Guns, Less Crime. Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws. In: American Experiment Quaterly. Summer 1999.   Volltext
armed self-defense and the peace dividend
No right to self defense?

Monday, December 13, 2010

How Long Can You Keep Mixed Margarita

The great deception. Why legal gun ownership on the agenda is

A comment
not only legal gun owners, but also open-minded newspaper readers and television viewers may rightly ask why legal, private weapons always are and always on the agenda of many media, authorities and politicians although the relevance of their crime does not begin to equal, and at the same time significant other problems of internal security is. The reasoning is simple: Just is because of internal security at the same time remains complex, difficult to control challenges, strategies for solving difficult media are employable and affect average citizens must of legal gun ownership will be discussed.
I want at this point only three issues of internal security of Germany to pick out, for which there currently appears to be little or no magic solutions:
  • The resurgence of violent political extremism
  • The emergence of a violent Islamic religious motivated terrorism
  • The increase in violent crime in public spaces
all three topics have in common is that they not only actually a significant hazard potential - unlike the left-wing terrorism of the 70s or attacks of Islamist insurgents in the Bundeswehr in Afghanistan - potentially can also affect the individual citizen in Germany , but that they "increase perceived uncertainty" and the. Regular reports of some serious injuries in public transport and train stations and airports, heavily armed police officers patrolling or burning mid-sized car in city affect the "comfort zone" of the average citizen sensitive and let him wonder what "politics" or "the Authority" is making really against it.
One could cite other issues, such as the fact that, because of the Strasbourg court ruling could leave a hundred violent criminals in 2010 preventive detention - including murderers and sex offenders, although experts still consider it dangerous, or the nearly 12,000 cases of child abuse annually. But already the first three phenomena are present very extensive.
The resurgence of violent political extremism
As with all these phenomena one does not need media attention to the violent excesses on the basis of demonstrations against Stuttgart 21 or Castor noted. It's the many small activities that affect the citizens. Sun spent 2010 in Berlin 130 cars and 2009 216 cars. These include not just Mercedes or BMW, but also Toyota, Golf or Nissan - Vehicles that are moved into the mainstream of society. But it is not burn a Berlin phenomenon but also in Hamburg, Cologne and other cities more and more cars. In Cologne tabloid media Car owners were ready to buy: many little people who pose for the loss of the car (and thus the personal and professional mobility), and certainly some of the costs a heavy blow.
The constitutional protection is now alone in the left-wing extremist spectrum, which we consider here by way of example, of 6,600 people from violent (2009, 2008, there were 6,300). They committed acts of violence 2009 1.822 (+53 percent over previous year) and could be expected over a much larger group of sympathizers, financiers and supporters. They also mix as the annual Maikrawallen selectively with other militant groups, eg on non-political violence interested criminals or "adventurous" or the confrontation with the government interested young people (including those from immigrant backgrounds). The violence of the radical reaches so far that in the context (and protection) of a demonstration against welfare cuts "in Berlin 2010, in which participated also masked some 500 of the left" Black Block ", an explosive device set fire that injured 16 police officers.
lack of distance can promote violence
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violence against property and people does not happen by accident. For the theoreticians of violent political extremism deal no longer like their predecessors in the 60s or 70s today, with an unrealistic ideological hairsplitting and admiring the Vietcong or other terrorist groups. These people have become more pragmatic and realistic. Their "publications" are not only about 500,000 on the servers circulating on the Internet instructions for sabotage, arson and attacks on police and political opponents, or the 80-page brochure "prism", which describes, among other serious disruption of rail traffic. They now advocate a lifestyle that with the realistic total resistance for the time and financial budgets are available. Shall publish Der Spiegel (47/2010) Excerpts from the circulating anonymous manifesto "The coming insurrection." In Germany, after a short time 25,000 copies were sold (!). This will include the comprehensive social security fraud and abuse called and said that the secret organization promotes self-Links Extreme, and where tangible instructions for sabotage, subversion and serious acts of violence. It states inter alia "for the current situation there will be no social solution. ... The struggles provide the language in which you speak the new order. What to ... to do? Join together in communities ... Get organized to never have to work again. ... Fabricate looting cultivate. ... Upset by little all the obstacles. ... In his arms. ... There is no peaceful uprising. Weapons are necessary ... weapons are a revolutionary constant. ... Sixty years democratic anesthesia and management of events, our perception of reality, our partisan weakened sense of the ongoing war. It is this perception we need to get back to start. "This document which dismisses all existing forms of organization left a waste of time and immediately calls for the full deployment, is not only "evil" that can be read as an American commentator said. It is radical and highly dangerous, precisely because it is so practical and everyday use.
A sound and broad public discussion about these violent individuals and groups is not determine. Not only does one or the other party appears to have difficulty to distinguish themselves decided, and the odd journalist feels at least a degree of sympathy (eg because of the "good cause" to which it actually works). The regulatory control of such violence phenomena is difficult. Thus, for example police operations in Stuttgart on the question of whether the state should ever decide to proceed against "civil" protest. Even parties who were formerly known for domestic policy hardliners reluctant to position themselves clear. No wonder that the issue hindämmert on.

The emergence of violent Islamic-motivated terrorism
Even before the won appears from prisoner survey findings manifested on potential attacks in Germany in winter 2010 and the increased emergence of armed policemen on the streets, quite rightly, the impression among citizens, that the violent Islamism has arrived in Germany. The fortunately foiled attacks of the Islamic "Sauerland course" in public transport in 2006 and the models from New York in 2001 (3,000 deaths), Madrid 2004 (191 deaths), Beslan in 2004 (331 deaths), London 2005 (56 dead), Mumbai 2008 (170 Dead) and other cities show how close the terrorist has come to us. The constitutional protection extends to several thousand violent from potential attackers, who are highly motivated by religious beliefs, have an almost unprecedented self-sacrifice will and formed partly grounded in terrorist camps in Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries and some of which include combat experience in Afghanistan, Iraq or in the successor Equip the former Soviet Union have gathered.
Islamist terror will no longer be represented by a "turban-wearing Saudi" with AK-47 somewhere in Pakistan's border region but also to a large extent by "homegrown terrorism", that is as the young man who grew up in the West with a migration background or German convert from next door, which is clothed only a minority one way or behaving that they stand out in the streets.
The final stage terrorist operations
This too has not for a broad public discussion on. On the contrary, are books such as Bruce Bawer's "While Europe Slept. How Radical Islam is Destroying the West From Within "and Mark Steyn's" America Alone "almost exclusively from the USA and in Germany at recommended discreet. First gets the one who initiates the discussion on a regular basis in the suspicion of xenophobia or the right - which often amounts to his political or economic end, even if for example, have sold millions of copies of his books. Warns, for example, the German Interior Minister to encourage rather against "Islamophobia" instead of the imams, it receives for exchanging views, formally and decisively of violence that relies on their faith to distance, - a gesture that would certainly be suitable, the integration by the unconditional recognition of the Basic Law and a culture of non-violent exchange of views to promote sustainable. Second, even dramatic measures such as massive police presence actually rather helpless gestures, at least, can not prevent ignition of a dirty or even conventional explosive device in public places. Third, a more effective security with cuts is connected to personal freedoms (eg the retention or adoption of the "body scanner"), the strong public Lead to criticism.
increase in violent crime in public spaces
It is not only effective media events like the brutal murder of Dominik Brunner or the equally brutal assault on the ever since mentally disabled student Mathias R. (interestingly, these and other cases occurred in Munich, a city that is going against the rigorous private gun ownership, as it claims the Interior Minister of this country). It is the ordinariness of street violence and the inability to combat them effectively, the fear does. In Berlin alone, where Justice Senator Körting (SPD) was carefully repeated ultimatums against legal gun ownership up, there were from Januar 2600 to November 2010 violence in public transport, of which 2132 cases are directed against passengers. Overall, there were buses and trains and railway stations of Berlin 17 328 crimes - the rape about the robbery to theft. Only managed a few of these cases in the headlines.
The crime statistics published in the fall of Germany in 2009 showed a similar dramatic picture: There were 149 301 cases including serious and grievous bodily harm, 49 317 robberies, 369 709 cases of minor injury and 7314 cases of rape and sexual assault. Naturally, the dark field, which is higher especially for assault and rape than about theft, murder or manslaughter, not covered hereby. Although like some of the above types of crime by 1.2, or 1.3 percent have declined, but others are increased. To sum up the situation of these types of crime described as unchanged. The impression that crime is managed rather than fought effectively only be articulated on a regular basis and also in the international area, the Germans put his foot through helpless attempts by the law if necessary well armed to achieve a breakthrough. Unforgettable is the 2009 aborted action of GSG9 and KSK for the Liberation of the German freighter Hansa Stavanger Somali pirates out of hand. The use of international standards also excellent units failed because of the turf wars of German authorities.
politics and the media are often the "end of patience," a world away
taboo Similar to the discussion of Islamic-motivated terrorism and its causes and supporters, the debate about the reasons of increasing street violence. Of course, people with migrant background or Muslim faith is not per se criminal than those without. But it is already noticeable that studies show that young people of Islamic faith with a migration background apparently often have a different and often problematic relationship to violence than others. The public interest in this subject, which shows, for example, by the millions of copies of the book "The End of Patience" will, no media or political equivalent. That would be quickly as "populism" branded.
is how dangerous the other hand, private legal gun ownership?
The answer is simple: He's not dangerous. And who says that? For example, the following international Quotes:
"Modern firearms have since been - illegal in the UK for the private possession Success Not at the rate of crimes with firearms is since then no brakes on the top and has orders of magnitude reached far beyond the - with a few hunting rifles.?. comparable figures in this country lie. In 2007 there were - as the Telegraph, the British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith cited - more than 10,000 crimes with firearms, more than twice that in Germany. In British cities, a highly dangerous subculture has developed in which it is a matter of course for young people to be armed - particularly with firearms. The illegal possession of weapons is not a deterrent, on the contrary. ... What happened after the tragic events of April 2002 in Erfurt? That the gun laws tightened and the recruitment of significantly more school psychologists has been announced. Announced - this is largely remained. hire more qualified personnel would have cost money, too "W.
thickness. weapons in sight - but the problem is much more complex in: German Police 5 / 2009 / $ file/DeuPol0905.pdf
“A third myth is that the United States has such a high murder rate because Americans own so many guns. There is really no international evidence backing this up. This claim is usually based on a comparison of a few artfully selected countries. When you look at the data available for dozens of countries, there is no real relationship. Many countries - including Switzerland, New Zealand, Finland, and Norway - have gun ownership rates similar to what we have here in the United States, yet they have relatively low murder rates. ... Israel probably has one of the highest gun possession rates in the world, yet it has a murder rate that is about 40 percent below even Canada’s.”
J.R. Lott: More Guns, Less Crime. Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws. In: American Experiment Quarterly. Summer 1999th
"The main argument for a tightening of gun laws is usually the availability of weapons and their dangers for use in crime and violence. ... As a result, it can be stated clearly that the intensification of the Arms Act in 1996 had no effect on the crimes of the Arms Act. ... The investigation has revealed that, especially a large supply of already illegal weapons, the numbers can rise to the offense. ... The argument raised that a relationship exists with the availability of firearms and their use in crimes, the numbers of crime statistics in Austria at least contradict obvious. Thus, since one of the main purposes advocated a tightening of gun laws is not achieved, the critical observer is surprised that it even a discussion in this direction is "
B. Klob: Gun crime in Austria In:... IWÖ - News 4 / 2009 (author is at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Vienna) www.
"In the future discussions on the weapon possession and weapons laws in Germany, the fact that constitute legal, subject to authorization firearms no significant threat to public safety are taken into account."
AS Dobat, A. Heubrock, J. Stöter: weapons possession and misuse of weapons in Germany. In: Forensics 12/2006.
"From my prosecutorial practice to me but very few criminal proceedings for violations of gun laws is recalled, which were directed against defendants, the owners had a valid firearms legislation permits. These few cases were almost all on suspicion of 'lighter' violations out that were based not rare in the complexity of the Firearms Act. ... Of course, the immense suffering of many families and the apparent sympathy of the population particularly strong reason to be looking for ways similar acts in future to avoid possible. The implemented ideas must but also free think of emotionally influenced evaluations of fitness test stand. Who in police parlance as 'Amoklagen' designated assignments will be reviewed in detail to determine that, as instrumentalities not only firearms and probably only in a few cases, legally obtained handguns in the near and distant past were used. Such offenders often make use of various other tools to move Pierce. But cars were used and even the case of a flame thrower is documented as a murder weapon. ... The proposal to (legal) firearms kept largely or completely not in the living rooms of private permit holder, but is collected, for example, I can not stand for continuing. "
Attorney R. Hofius, Speaker in the criminal department of the Ministry of Justice of Rhineland-Palatinate, opinion for the Interior Committee of the German Bundestag for the public hearing on 06.15.2009 to amend the firearms legislation www
"The Impact of gun crime in Germany is focused on the illegal possession and carrying of weapons. . However, the number of crimes committed using firearms since 2005 has declined, also came in approximately 74% of the cases of the year most permit free firearms as Gas-/Alarm- and air weapons are used, "
What still remains as an issue?
Some of the most relevant issues of internal security can not seem to be discussed publicly without the threat of ostracism critical, but may be security positions would be difficult to effectively. Administrative activities are often unpopular and often dangerous for those involved and difficult to implement - especially without public indignation to lead to.
provides the legal gun ownership by contrast, as the theme to:
are first weapons as such in one section of society - including many striking Media Professionals - ostracized and gun owners have just yet (still) do not have a powerful lobby (but it does stand to benefit, just that, because then even more dangerous weapons - a conspiracy theory pure). On the contrary, have an effective legal weapon opponents of national and international networking, which has made it wrong, but successfully convey the impression that between one kind and a German hunting out originally Ukrainian mortar on the black market, there is virtually no difference.
Second, one has to fear from legal gun owners something - either a check (in other than in a police raid on a "trouble hotspot" for example, where the officials may well suddenly a number of violent young people see opposite). Well, there may be some protest, but first legal gun owners are precisely State authorities classified as harmless (otherwise there would be none), persists in any case not a close relationship (readers, subscribers, constituents, members) among the fiercest political opponents and unfair to most media on the one hand and hunters, shooters and collectors on the other side, and finally have the social demographic characteristics of most legal gun owners do not suggest that a comprehensive and expected imaginative protest against restrictions in the area and more than they should be.
There is no reason to believe that there is a huge conspiracy and collusion to stigmatize the place of the three actual security problems of the legal gun ownership and track. But first, there is the communication-scientific phenomenon described the spiral of silence (short: one is silent with seemingly unpopular opinions, so they can only unpopular because they finally expresses no more), and second, it requires none request because some media, politicians and authorities each have different interests it can pursue that do not discuss three topics, but to attack the criminological irrelevant Legal gun ownership. Main thing is to give the impression to "do something" to protect the citizens.
This is roughly comparable to the company, where drastic changes are taking place and where once the park rules will be changed. Why? Because most people have enough to do to deal with this easily understandable facts and to discuss it so controversial and ruminate less about merger, acquisition or IPO.
And laws and social exclusion also cost nothing. If necessary, protect the citizens just too from something that threatened him at all if it only costs nothing, and "no stress" caused (significantly, are indeed at least legally imported questionable event-free controls, does not increase but the number of controllers - except for the disabled test set, a few 400-euro forces, or alternatively agree retirees). Germany is not only defended the Hindu Kush. Germany is also with each and every provision "defended" the private gun ownership limits - this is so the plate and false slogan of the opponents weapons.
But this can very well understand as a great deception. Now is the time to do something about it. Let's start with the fact that we call a spade a spade.

Friday, December 10, 2010

More Prominent Veins In Breasts

Solid outdoor equipment for light, heat, food preparation

You must be a "friend" of crisis scenarios and Survivalism, into a sound equipment for "the big three, light, heat and food preparation to invest - the occasional use of a hunting lodge or a bed pulpit is enough to be wondering about it. The following are some proven and discussed in particular solid product. Of course there are each competing product, The above are but personally tested on the heart and kidneys.

most critical, not only because of the experience value of a stay "out there" but also in terms of health, the preservation and production of heat. While you can use to obtain of body heat (in addition to warm clothing), sleeping and sitting bags, blankets and, if necessary, associated beds are used, (especially next to hot food and drinks) tent and paraffin stoves heat production .
producers which supply the modern day armed forces for some extreme locations and therefore not only more (today picky) procurement authorities, but also many thousands of soldiers in some intensive Use must satisfy come naturally to the short list - such as sleeping bags. Carinthia supplied not only the sports and leisure market, but including the armed forces of Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Finland and Sweden with bivouac bags, cold and wetness protection clothing and sleeping bags for different climate zones. The dual-use program is usually available including the color of olive. Here the system is to be considered from the sleeping bag, "tropical" (130 €) with a comfort level of 5 degrees Celsius (-12 degrees extreme value) and specific respiratory activity and the sleeping bag "Defence 4 (150 Euro) with a comfort value of -15 degrees (-38 degrees extreme value). The two products are provided both for separate use, and for a combination that produces a comfort value of -35 degrees (-45 degrees extreme value).
The much more expensive, also recommended sleeping bag Survival One of Carinthia (around 290 €, comfort value of -25 degrees, extreme value -35 degrees) in addition to the normal use of arms and provided a flip-up foot and can thus practically like a cold mantle or manor bag can be used. Carinthia sleeping bags are very warm and quite robust. Like any other sleeping bag also, they should be used when using outdoors (except in summer) with a breathable bivy sack and generally on a support such as a sound insulation mat or a (preferably robust cot) to cold and wet conditions from the bottom and damage to avoid.
A equipped with a bed or cot Hunting Lodge may also make do with one or more appropriate blanket. Few products are as durable, big and cheap as the market available (unused) blankets the Bundeswehr. At a size of 2.0 mx 2.1 m they are now for 20 to 25 € mint trading at military outfitters and shops.
Zeltöfen are now also available as new from military stocks. Its use in closed and unventilated rooms is not safe and they should not be used in place of a small fire system, which must be approved by the chimney and removed. For these furnaces speaks not only that they are heated with wood (which can be obtained in each area relatively straightforward - but is necessary for the long storage period of one year or obtaining to refer a good heating value) and light (and therefore mobile), but also its price. Already some 150 € today a late model copy along with furnace tubes is to get (must be followed during operation including fire and Rauchgasvergiftungefahren).
more powerful, but also paraffin stoves are more vulnerable such as those sold in hardware stores. For use in enclosed areas meet the same restrictions.

comes in second place in meaning, the question of light. It should not be about to buy a special lamp for seeking, to the respect set brightness, color of light (preservation of night vision and optimum welding performance) and easy to handle (eg, at the same time as a short weapon) to special requirements.
It is about the illumination of a cabin or a campsite, regardless of electricity. Even if a Petromax as a former piece of equipment of the Bundeswehr memories of military service, and awakens nostalgic looks, has a "North Star" by Coleman (the petrol version - there is also a propane version) worked for 120 to 140 euros. The smaller petrol lamps from Coleman are far less robust and less bright, the North Star consumes 2 kg weight with a liter of unleaded gasoline for seven to 14 hours of light and generates up to 200 watts. It is robust enough to withstand a fairly rough treatment in the field. The lamp is so popular that it attributes a number of loss leaders for around 120 € is. Usually, the North Star is sold out but just by chance. Known providers should therefore be preferred - even in terms of spare parts (eg mantle and fuel pump) and warranty.

The kerosene lamps of fire hand, of course, also proved in a galvanized form is already available for around 12 €. If you add about 2 € for a liter of petrol or (worse, because more carbon fouling), lamp oil investing, you know why it has Feuerhand already brought to the piece of equipment of the army of Kaiser Wilhelm: The lamp is cheap, very solid and burns exceptionally cheap. A couple of replacement wicks are the only spare parts that for years are needed. But the lamp is for some activities and not just bright enough larger rooms (up to 20 hours, she burns with a little over 0.3 liters of kerosene) and thus supplements the "North Star", and not replace. It weighs only about 500 grams and costs in the simplest version, only about 12 €.
Finally, it is not done with one (or two) stationary lamps. You need a reliable car and for walks in the light (from the car to the cabin, etc.). Despite all the LED technology and other innovations is a manufacturer of "traditional flashlights" still reliable: On Maglite from the U.S.. The lamps are rugged, can with a simple plastic attachment to a light stick (traffic accident, distress signal) converted to serve the way (even without strange jagged edge) is quite legal for self-defense (especially the heavy models with 3 or 4 D-cell batteries; they weigh without batteries 300 grams) and are 40 to 50 € so cheap that one of them ever leave lying around (one in each car, in the cabin, garage, etc.) - so that there are necessary spare parts and always have stock the same batteries.
Although it before each one better hunting cabin fire, but first, it is not pleasant at any time of year and day, on some food takes to prepare, second, third, it long and weary of preparation, the "grilling" at some point (especially if it is at home still runs) and limited the possible methods of preparation.
If you still want to cook over an open fire, you set this one best get a Dutch Oven (on best a noble product of Lodge ) or a South African Potije (both are sold, including a competent and comprehensive advice to Carsten Bothe ). Cheap versions of cast iron dubious origin are not recommended. Although this is the use of cast-iron pots require some practice, but is it worth to books such as "on fire. Grilling, frying, boiling," or "the great Dutch Oven Cookbook" draw (both by Carsten Bothe) to take counsel and cooking to try out a few times. Bothe also sent complimentary small guide books. While cooking with these pots is relatively cumbersome, but provides an exciting and social experience is needed and only a wood fire and then water to clean (do not use soap). And finally: "work" in this cast-iron pots also, if weather or technical reasons nothing else works and they are virtually indestructible - not for nothing they were carried along in spite of its weight on the wagon of the pioneers in America or the South African Voortrekkers.

For all cases in which a faster cooking experience is required, offers the gasoline stove "Multi-Fuel" by Coleman to . If you want to do without the annoying guest cartridges (lead-free petrol is constantly and readily available and it burns with petroleum) and as for the gasoline lantern and a cook wants to stockpile only carry one fuel or (weight without fuel 600 grams), the "Multi Fuel your first choice. Above all, he is durable and solid than many other cooking - even as other Coleman products and it is easy to use. He is around 100 but considerably more expensive than your gas cooker.
Finally, there is a potentially surprising piece of equipment. The Swiss company Emmi has launched a collapsible mini raclette on the market, sold for around 13 € and folded no larger than a paperback book is. In that frame a coated rectangular "cup" of four candles is heated, heat to the man raclette cheese, then scrape with a wood scraper. It is surprising how little of the tea lights for a relatively quick preparation of three, four large "spreads" is required of melted cheese. Similar to the Dutch Oven or Potije this inexpensive device also offers a rich and diverse experience. About missing Saturation may be someone who has eaten three or four loaves of bread with as many servings of raclette cheese not complain, anyway.

way: we have received any donations from any of the manufacturer or test equipment (and of course, not after the day!).

hunting in the winter