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not only legal gun owners, but also open-minded newspaper readers and television viewers may rightly ask why legal, private weapons always are and always on the agenda of many media, authorities and politicians although the relevance of their crime does not begin to equal, and at the same time significant other problems of internal security is. The reasoning is simple: Just is because of internal security at the same time remains complex, difficult to control challenges, strategies for solving difficult media are employable and affect average citizens must of legal gun ownership will be discussed.
I want at this point only three issues of internal security of Germany to pick out, for which there currently appears to be little or no magic solutions:
- The resurgence of violent political extremism
- The emergence of a violent Islamic religious motivated terrorism
- The increase in violent crime in public spaces
One could cite other issues, such as the fact that, because of the Strasbourg court ruling could leave a hundred violent criminals in 2010 preventive detention - including murderers and sex offenders, although experts still consider it dangerous, or the nearly 12,000 cases of child abuse annually. But already the first three phenomena are present very extensive.
The resurgence of violent political extremism
As with all these phenomena one does not need media attention to the violent excesses on the basis of demonstrations against Stuttgart 21 or Castor noted. It's the many small activities that affect the citizens. Sun spent 2010 in Berlin 130 cars and 2009 216 cars. These include not just Mercedes or BMW, but also Toyota, Golf or Nissan - Vehicles that are moved into the mainstream of society. But it is not burn a Berlin phenomenon but also in Hamburg, Cologne and other cities more and more cars. In Cologne tabloid media Car owners were ready to buy: many little people who pose for the loss of the car (and thus the personal and professional mobility), and certainly some of the costs a heavy blow.
The constitutional protection is now alone in the left-wing extremist spectrum, which we consider here by way of example, of 6,600 people from violent (2009, 2008, there were 6,300). They committed acts of violence 2009 1.822 (+53 percent over previous year) and could be expected over a much larger group of sympathizers, financiers and supporters. They also mix as the annual Maikrawallen selectively with other militant groups, eg on non-political violence interested criminals or "adventurous" or the confrontation with the government interested young people (including those from immigrant backgrounds). The violence of the radical reaches so far that in the context (and protection) of a demonstration against welfare cuts "in Berlin 2010, in which participated also masked some 500 of the left" Black Block ", an explosive device set fire that injured 16 police officers.
lack of distance can promote violence
; ; violence against property and people does not happen by accident. For the theoreticians of violent political extremism deal no longer like their predecessors in the 60s or 70s today, with an unrealistic ideological hairsplitting and admiring the Vietcong or other terrorist groups. These people have become more pragmatic and realistic. Their "publications" are not only about 500,000 on the servers circulating on the Internet instructions for sabotage, arson and attacks on police and political opponents, or the 80-page brochure "prism", which describes, among other serious disruption of rail traffic. They now advocate a lifestyle that with the realistic total resistance for the time and financial budgets are available. Shall publish Der Spiegel (47/2010) Excerpts from the circulating anonymous manifesto "The coming insurrection." In Germany, after a short time 25,000 copies were sold (!). This will include the comprehensive social security fraud and abuse called and said that the secret organization promotes self-Links Extreme, and where tangible instructions for sabotage, subversion and serious acts of violence. It states inter alia "for the current situation there will be no social solution. ... The struggles provide the language in which you speak the new order. What to ... to do? Join together in communities ... Get organized to never have to work again. ... Fabricate looting cultivate. ... Upset by little all the obstacles. ... In his arms. ... There is no peaceful uprising. Weapons are necessary ... weapons are a revolutionary constant. ... Sixty years democratic anesthesia and management of events, our perception of reality, our partisan weakened sense of the ongoing war. It is this perception we need to get back to start. "This document which dismisses all existing forms of organization left a waste of time and immediately calls for the full deployment, is not only "evil" that can be read as an American commentator said. It is radical and highly dangerous, precisely because it is so practical and everyday use.
A sound and broad public discussion about these violent individuals and groups is not determine. Not only does one or the other party appears to have difficulty to distinguish themselves decided, and the odd journalist feels at least a degree of sympathy (eg because of the "good cause" to which it actually works). The regulatory control of such violence phenomena is difficult. Thus, for example police operations in Stuttgart on the question of whether the state should ever decide to proceed against "civil" protest. Even parties who were formerly known for domestic policy hardliners reluctant to position themselves clear. No wonder that the issue hindämmert on.
The emergence of violent Islamic-motivated terrorism
Even before the won appears from prisoner survey findings manifested on potential attacks in Germany in winter 2010 and the increased emergence of armed policemen on the streets, quite rightly, the impression among citizens, that the violent Islamism has arrived in Germany. The fortunately foiled attacks of the Islamic "Sauerland course" in public transport in 2006 and the models from New York in 2001 (3,000 deaths), Madrid 2004 (191 deaths), Beslan in 2004 (331 deaths), London 2005 (56 dead), Mumbai 2008 (170 Dead) and other cities show how close the terrorist has come to us. The constitutional protection extends to several thousand violent from potential attackers, who are highly motivated by religious beliefs, have an almost unprecedented self-sacrifice will and formed partly grounded in terrorist camps in Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries and some of which include combat experience in Afghanistan, Iraq or in the successor Equip the former Soviet Union have gathered.
Islamist terror will no longer be represented by a "turban-wearing Saudi" with AK-47 somewhere in Pakistan's border region but also to a large extent by "homegrown terrorism", that is as the young man who grew up in the West with a migration background or German convert from next door, which is clothed only a minority one way or behaving that they stand out in the streets.
The final stage terrorist operations
This too has not for a broad public discussion on. On the contrary, are books such as Bruce Bawer's "While Europe Slept. How Radical Islam is Destroying the West From Within "and Mark Steyn's" America Alone "almost exclusively from the USA and in Germany at recommended discreet. First gets the one who initiates the discussion on a regular basis in the suspicion of xenophobia or the right - which often amounts to his political or economic end, even if for example, have sold millions of copies of his books. Warns, for example, the German Interior Minister to encourage rather against "Islamophobia" instead of the imams, it receives for exchanging views, formally and decisively of violence that relies on their faith to distance, - a gesture that would certainly be suitable, the integration by the unconditional recognition of the Basic Law and a culture of non-violent exchange of views to promote sustainable. Second, even dramatic measures such as massive police presence actually rather helpless gestures, at least, can not prevent ignition of a dirty or even conventional explosive device in public places. Third, a more effective security with cuts is connected to personal freedoms (eg the retention or adoption of the "body scanner"), the strong public Lead to criticism.
increase in violent crime in public spaces
It is not only effective media events like the brutal murder of Dominik Brunner or the equally brutal assault on the ever since mentally disabled student Mathias R. (interestingly, these and other cases occurred in Munich, a city that is going against the rigorous private gun ownership, as it claims the Interior Minister of this country). It is the ordinariness of street violence and the inability to combat them effectively, the fear does. In Berlin alone, where Justice Senator Körting (SPD) was carefully repeated ultimatums against legal gun ownership up, there were from Januar 2600 to November 2010 violence in public transport, of which 2132 cases are directed against passengers. Overall, there were buses and trains and railway stations of Berlin 17 328 crimes - the rape about the robbery to theft. Only managed a few of these cases in the headlines.
The crime statistics published in the fall of Germany in 2009 showed a similar dramatic picture: There were 149 301 cases including serious and grievous bodily harm, 49 317 robberies, 369 709 cases of minor injury and 7314 cases of rape and sexual assault. Naturally, the dark field, which is higher especially for assault and rape than about theft, murder or manslaughter, not covered hereby. Although like some of the above types of crime by 1.2, or 1.3 percent have declined, but others are increased. To sum up the situation of these types of crime described as unchanged. The impression that crime is managed rather than fought effectively only be articulated on a regular basis and also in the international area, the Germans put his foot through helpless attempts by the law if necessary well armed to achieve a breakthrough. Unforgettable is the 2009 aborted action of GSG9 and KSK for the Liberation of the German freighter Hansa Stavanger Somali pirates out of hand. The use of international standards also excellent units failed because of the turf wars of German authorities.
politics and the media are often the "end of patience," a world away
taboo Similar to the discussion of Islamic-motivated terrorism and its causes and supporters, the debate about the reasons of increasing street violence. Of course, people with migrant background or Muslim faith is not per se criminal than those without. But it is already noticeable that studies show that young people of Islamic faith with a migration background apparently often have a different and often problematic relationship to violence than others. The public interest in this subject, which shows, for example, by the millions of copies of the book "The End of Patience" will, no media or political equivalent. That would be quickly as "populism" branded.
is how dangerous the other hand, private legal gun ownership?
The answer is simple: He's not dangerous. And who says that? For example, the following international Quotes:
"Modern firearms have since been - illegal in the UK for the private possession Success Not at the rate of crimes with firearms is since then no brakes on the top and has orders of magnitude reached far beyond the - with a few hunting rifles.?. comparable figures in this country lie. In 2007 there were - as the Telegraph, the British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith cited - more than 10,000 crimes with firearms, more than twice that in Germany. In British cities, a highly dangerous subculture has developed in which it is a matter of course for young people to be armed - particularly with firearms. The illegal possession of weapons is not a deterrent, on the contrary. ... What happened after the tragic events of April 2002 in Erfurt? That the gun laws tightened and the recruitment of significantly more school psychologists has been announced. Announced - this is largely remained. hire more qualified personnel would have cost money, too "W.
thickness. weapons in sight - but the problem is much more complex in: German Police 5 / 2009 www.gdp.de/id/_dp200905.. / $ file/DeuPol0905.pdf
“A third myth is that the United States has such a high murder rate because Americans own so many guns. There is really no international evidence backing this up. This claim is usually based on a comparison of a few artfully selected countries. When you look at the data available for dozens of countries, there is no real relationship. Many countries - including Switzerland, New Zealand, Finland, and Norway - have gun ownership rates similar to what we have here in the United States, yet they have relatively low murder rates. ... Israel probably has one of the highest gun possession rates in the world, yet it has a murder rate that is about 40 percent below even Canada’s.”
J.R. Lott: More Guns, Less Crime. Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws. In: American Experiment Quarterly. Summer 1999th www.americanexperiment.org/uploaded/files/aeqv2n2lott.pdf
"The main argument for a tightening of gun laws is usually the availability of weapons and their dangers for use in crime and violence. ... As a result, it can be stated clearly that the intensification of the Arms Act in 1996 had no effect on the crimes of the Arms Act. ... The investigation has revealed that, especially a large supply of already illegal weapons, the numbers can rise to the offense. ... The argument raised that a relationship exists with the availability of firearms and their use in crimes, the numbers of crime statistics in Austria at least contradict obvious. Thus, since one of the main purposes advocated a tightening of gun laws is not achieved, the critical observer is surprised that it even a discussion in this direction is "
B. Klob: Gun crime in Austria In:... IWÖ - News 4 / 2009 (author is at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Vienna) www. vdw-duesseldorf.de/documents/Schusswaffen-Delikteinosterreich_IWOE_Klob.pdf
"In the future discussions on the weapon possession and weapons laws in Germany, the fact that constitute legal, subject to authorization firearms no significant threat to public safety are taken into account."
AS Dobat, A. Heubrock, J. Stöter: weapons possession and misuse of weapons in Germany. In: Forensics 12/2006. www.psv-murnau.de/pol09/statistik.pdf
"From my prosecutorial practice to me but very few criminal proceedings for violations of gun laws is recalled, which were directed against defendants, the owners had a valid firearms legislation permits. These few cases were almost all on suspicion of 'lighter' violations out that were based not rare in the complexity of the Firearms Act. ... Of course, the immense suffering of many families and the apparent sympathy of the population particularly strong reason to be looking for ways similar acts in future to avoid possible. The implemented ideas must but also free think of emotionally influenced evaluations of fitness test stand. Who in police parlance as 'Amoklagen' designated assignments will be reviewed in detail to determine that, as instrumentalities not only firearms and probably only in a few cases, legally obtained handguns in the near and distant past were used. Such offenders often make use of various other tools to move Pierce. But cars were used and even the case of a flame thrower is documented as a murder weapon. ... The proposal to (legal) firearms kept largely or completely not in the living rooms of private permit holder, but is collected, for example, I can not stand for continuing. "
Attorney R. Hofius, Speaker in the criminal department of the Ministry of Justice of Rhineland-Palatinate, opinion for the Interior Committee of the German Bundestag for the public hearing on 06.15.2009 to amend the firearms legislation www .bundestag.de/bundestag/ausschuesse/a04/anhoerungen/Anhoerung_25/Stellungnahmen_SV/Stellungnahme_04.pdf
"The Impact of gun crime in Germany is focused on the illegal possession and carrying of weapons. . However, the number of crimes committed using firearms since 2005 has declined, also came in approximately 74% of the cases of the year most permit free firearms as Gas-/Alarm- and air weapons are used, "
Federal: National Situation gun crime in 2007 . http://www.bka.de/lageberichte/waf/bundeslagebild_waffenkriminalitaet_2007.pdf
What still remains as an issue?
Some of the most relevant issues of internal security can not seem to be discussed publicly without the threat of ostracism critical, but may be security positions would be difficult to effectively. Administrative activities are often unpopular and often dangerous for those involved and difficult to implement - especially without public indignation to lead to.
provides the legal gun ownership by contrast, as the theme to:
are first weapons as such in one section of society - including many striking Media Professionals - ostracized and gun owners have just yet (still) do not have a powerful lobby (but it does stand to benefit, just that, because then even more dangerous weapons - a conspiracy theory pure). On the contrary, have an effective legal weapon opponents of national and international networking, which has made it wrong, but successfully convey the impression that between one kind and a German hunting out originally Ukrainian mortar on the black market, there is virtually no difference.
Second, one has to fear from legal gun owners something - either a check (in other than in a police raid on a "trouble hotspot" for example, where the officials may well suddenly a number of violent young people see opposite). Well, there may be some protest, but first legal gun owners are precisely State authorities classified as harmless (otherwise there would be none), persists in any case not a close relationship (readers, subscribers, constituents, members) among the fiercest political opponents and unfair to most media on the one hand and hunters, shooters and collectors on the other side, and finally have the social demographic characteristics of most legal gun owners do not suggest that a comprehensive and expected imaginative protest against restrictions in the area and more than they should be.
There is no reason to believe that there is a huge conspiracy and collusion to stigmatize the place of the three actual security problems of the legal gun ownership and track. But first, there is the communication-scientific phenomenon described the spiral of silence (short: one is silent with seemingly unpopular opinions, so they can only unpopular because they finally expresses no more), and second, it requires none request because some media, politicians and authorities each have different interests it can pursue that do not discuss three topics, but to attack the criminological irrelevant Legal gun ownership. Main thing is to give the impression to "do something" to protect the citizens.
This is roughly comparable to the company, where drastic changes are taking place and where once the park rules will be changed. Why? Because most people have enough to do to deal with this easily understandable facts and to discuss it so controversial and ruminate less about merger, acquisition or IPO.
And laws and social exclusion also cost nothing. If necessary, protect the citizens just too from something that threatened him at all if it only costs nothing, and "no stress" caused (significantly, are indeed at least legally imported questionable event-free controls, does not increase but the number of controllers - except for the disabled test set, a few 400-euro forces, or alternatively agree retirees). Germany is not only defended the Hindu Kush. Germany is also with each and every provision "defended" the private gun ownership limits - this is so the plate and false slogan of the opponents weapons.
But this can very well understand as a great deception. Now is the time to do something about it. Let's start with the fact that we call a spade a spade.
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