Satire: The other day at the hunting opponents
As we are in the "Ottoman", a pub in a small town in North Rhine-Westphalia. It is three clock in the afternoon on a weekday. The "Ottoman" has a large water pipe stand in the window (previously it was a ladies' fashion, then a One World shop) and served mainly coffee, cheap red wine and juices. It is owned by a former street worker and a former bouncer Cologne. The food is bad and is rarely requested. Next door there is a snack. The "Ottoman" is the inevitable meeting point of young, unconventional guests, because there is no other place in the restaurant as the "Hubertus Stube" and the equally traditional "eagle". For this reason, also the "Action against the hunt" meets the "Ottoman".
Wednesday afternoon from the Alliance has no one before - like most in any other evening of the week. Manuel After a short stint working as a clerk in the bank now part-time in the "gut loading", Gernot, who under his given name suffers and is vegan, special education, and "just takes some time off," Humbert studied again - for some kind of foreign "service" in the autonomous, which he had to cancel due to injury and partly for ideological reasons (he had become a Trotskyist) - Monica is a student from a doctor's household and Joshua lives of "support" as he says, that Hartz IV His real name is Peter. He wanted to be a pastor.
The alliance has other members, including a number of little old ladies, mostly pensioners and cat lovers who donate money and some teenagers, where it is too boring "just hanging out" and the "mood for Action" have. The hard core of ideologically correct guide members is limited, but on the five aforementioned officials or "cadres" as they call themselves. And today, today is the day that the "system of pigs" and of course the hunt, which is sometimes mixed up something to put back once the final blow. One thing is for sure, capitalism will inevitably lead ... But we want us rather unnoticed in the interview.
"Castor was shit," says Humbert. "A little riot, but the train has gone through me somehow and still has carved so'n bull on your tongue, just as no one has photographed". "You have n problem with violence, Humbi," Gernot raises a thought. "Really, our protests must be nonviolent." "Violence, Aw Shit. You know how to act against us, the state and the whole, think it at Stuttgart 21, as they ham so'm pensioners even ruined the eyes with the water cannon. "" What has it got to the city offering the Castor "interrupts Monika. "This is in Stuttgart but something else also so'n bourgeois protest." "Jo, is considered the manner specified by the Philistines, I think. But does not matter, you have to make the system where you can meet it. And both take the train, the Castor and the others ".
"Stop it" ends the banter between Humbi Manuela authoritarian, as it were, the revolutionary wing, and Gernot, the non-violent intellectuals. "We bow but ne discuss action. On the Müllerwiese up and around the adjacent pond to take place around ne hunting. The Woll'n goose shoot down the big shots. Did I by nem friend. "" Fuck Nazis "mutters Humbert. "What s to do with Nazis?" Complains Gernot. "Is not care," says Manuela, "listen".
"So the next Saturday Woll'n out there, shoot down the geese the hunters. We must do something about it. " "Shit hunter," mutters Humbert. "Need to shut up the". He ordered another beer. "En Large.
Monica thinks: "Geese are our friends. Geese are so cute. Great as they fly , even though they are so heavy. And swim and ... ". She looks questioningly at the others. You do not know about geese, except that they can swim and fly. But she loves them. "Geese are vigilant, they have the Romans at that time warned of enemies," Gernot lectures from remnants of bourgeois education. As in school, no one listens to him. "Shit Goose" mutters Humbert and ordered another beer in a poorly flushed glass.
Manuela brings restore order in their small force. "Let us be confronted. Animals are here murder of pleasure slayers t. We need two observer teams with full documentation of equipment and a movable guide element. Were be ridiculous if we could not patch up where the stuff, the hunters. " Gernot hear everything has become "What you hoped for, the thought Manu?" "Very simply, the ha'm but no idea the Loden Heinis, the pop everything from, what it is. Including protected species and so on. We take up the whole thing with video and photos and place on our homepage. Then it goes to the newspaper here and we do kleene n flyer with the addresses on it by the killers. Monika, do you know about your but the old man. The guaranteed kill other animals. You know, the killing also cats and dogs and even humans. Just for fun. " "Documentation Only without disturbance is not stupid," Joshua says slowly. He must make an effort to speak clearly. "Damn it, this stuff was strong, I've smoked," he thinks to himself just as slowly. "Right," says Humbert. "To those we give to what's foot, the hunters. The butcher is quite simple from such innocent animals. Could also be a man, she'd no matter where. The kill everything they get. Per year make the 40, 50 people all say, I will. Stone dead. Some even hunters. That's ok. But also to innocent people. Is then covered up. The creaking ham, I tell you, madness. Pump guns and stuff. Horny stuff there. Ultra Brutal. "" No violence, no violence, " Gernot now beginning to chant and raises his hands like a prisoner. Manuela closes his eyes.
"So Doku n squad that Gernot does with his camera, and it may take with Jimmy. The has a way with his video camera. Or that of his old man. " "Sure," said Graham. Troop the word he does not like, sounds military. But shoot, that's ok. No violence, at least no violence against people and home early. Indeed, it is now dark quickly. Too dark to film. And Susie, with whom he lives and has two children, is not so sour. Just maybe because of the laundry, because you are saut there is always a way out. Susi and that makes even the entire wash and cook and clean and so on. Stupid, that they must always work as long on her high school. The notes here and all the stress. No thanks.
"The other party documents that are Humbert and Elke", Manuela determined. "You have to get right up close, the dead animals on it. Best it involved the fighters still in dispute and films from the NEN. Always shoot the guns. " "Cool. Creak. "Humbert said. "To those I give to shut up and the really cool Elli has also got an amazing chassis, because 'we can talk about it once." "You fascist," he spits on Monika. "Humbi, shut Schauz, commanded Manuela. She knows that Humbert is the only one who dares to seek confrontation. Well, NEN elevation of sawing and tip. This could be done with Gernot and Joshua soon enough. Gernot're weeping while yet, if one was unlucky, because he does not tolerate aggression, could be expressed by that Saw teeth in timber ate. And Joshua, yes, for a change which would have his full strength back and non-totally stoned. Together with Monika, and two young men "of better home," she broke into a mink farm and released about 1,000 mink. Only one hundred were able to be captured, most of bulls and hunters. Only one hundred plays were simply kicked the bucket away and most of the rest. Fuck it, better dead than captured. Only the media folk had the time again not understood. Total commercialized the whole system. wanted the two boys were there because of Monica and were later not to a slump in the business of a furrier persuade where you spray furs. Damn cowards.
Humbert was totally stupid. But did something. And Monika. Two men only. Little, but better than nothing. Man were the times have been at the university. The two-semester social education had been worthwhile. Always solid druff.
"So on the topic, I'm with NEM cell phone and Monika Joshua serves as the coordination and the press. Let time play your contacts. But times have worked for a while at the advertiser as a messenger. "" Yes, already. But now I do everything on the Internet. " "I," interjected Gernot, "I am also speaking such a vegan forum. Although that is pretty hard, thus practice because of violence against the violence. " "I know," says Humbert and drink "broken force, which destroys you," a big drink. "Shut up now," interrupts Manuela. "The division is clear. Date and equipment are also clear. Who now have to make some more s coal clear for action and we read. " "Read what s that?" Asks Humbert. "So what do you know of geese and know how to look," says Manuela, "must above all, so you know what to shoot and what not." "Oh," Humbert mumbles in his beer. His "bloody goose" is almost under the glass. "The fire may not even capable of killing ham no right to a living being," intones Gernot. Manuel turned his eyes again.
Finally it that far. A very cold morning on the Miller field. No hunter there, no journalist there. Manuela is clearly there, all in black. Balaclava. Telescopic baton on his belt. Monika is in there with such a stupid sport colorful suit walking shoes. Gernot has not come. Does stress with Susie. The time has again come out with the children. Joshua is there, but again vollgedröhnt total. He has pin-sized pupils, staring straight ahead. Humbert is, and with his hand in a bandage. He also has a black eye and will not talk about it. A video camera, he has not there. Elke has not come and not Jimmy. He has room arrest, because he is a math and beat his old man has lied. Drizzle begins. It is cold. So slowly is not a dry thread on his body. "They will not, the shit hunters," says Manuela now finally fixed. "Ham ship" seconded Monika. Even that would be a success. Joshua stares straight ahead. Saliva running from his mouth. "Oh that's need on time, the killer," bawled Humbert. He comes with his combat boots for a water barrel, a farmer has to leave the pasture. "Destroy what destroys you. I'm going back to the city and attack me da de captures some of the capital ... of these hunters, animal killer. "
Monika on to . Howl "All in vain. The kill anywhere else your goose. The whole war'n nasty trick. " Joshua stares straight ahead. "Can I take whoever," he says slowly. "Home. I must be home. "
There are always setbacks, thinks Manuela. But we warn also prepared poorly. On the PETA site only son drivel "the unknown lives of ducks and geese," "Geese love to clean their feathers," Bullshit. No mention of the desire to kill. Only son vegan stuff for Gernot, the spinner. "Goose-killing", says the Federation for Animal Welfare. BUND and NABU reject from the hunt for geese. But otherwise, nothing. Critics, ok, but wimps. But the system will fail at last, even to his inner contradictions. Elsewhere, everything went so well, new hunting law in Saarland, a ban on trapping and dog training on live animals. Krass. As ham who so literally threw NEM fur shop ne stink bomb. Super Long seasons. Wild out of the wood and such. NRW would topple soon. Left, the Greens, well, they were back Sozen time too cowardly for a clean break. Just as in 1918. It is time that the hunt is governed by the needs of the community that it is modernizing. No more Hermann Goering's hunting rights and so on. When Sozen would only slow down non-Sun Do not know What were the fear that hunting is but Aw, rich sports. How Golf halt. The select it anyway. And the guns are gone, out of the budgets and at some point away from the cops and the soldiers. No guns, no hunting, no war. Ne only reliable force for the social order. Very solid comrades only.
And now home. The geese. Fuck the geese. Everything crammed in vain. "The geese (Anserinae) are in the biological classification of birds, a sub-family of ducks. ... ". Who cares?
discourse criticism
This text is a satire. Admittedly it is a "corrosive" text and the figures are heavily oversubscribed, invented the context, etc., but as always, the text has a serious side and is not primarily constitute a humorous entertainment. Although the large number of our readers satire on weapons opponents in the editorial offices and the mail kindly agreeing not only content but also style the form have appreciated.
It's us again to criticism of a contemporary discourse - this time for hunting.
This is primarily a hunting blog, it is effective for Interests of hunting and hunters - even if a particular focus on hunting weapons. The focus of the hunt are not hunting weapons, but because this activity is itself
Understanding the operator of the blog, there are hunt opponents - so one of us has even seen before the hunt even more critical. But that was before he has dealt so truly. This content analysis has then led to the hunting license and go to one of the most intense hunting "career", which are known to us personally. In this respect, we understand criticism of the hunt. We do not share, but we understand.
What we do not understand but is, first (reminiscent of some enemy weapons) the some form of confrontation and, secondly, the content some anti-hunting campaign.
to unacceptable form of hunting debate is not only violence against property (overturning and damaging, worse, dangerous sabotage of hunting facilities such as high art), but also the justification of violence - against property and against people. Thus we have found in a vegan forum bashing and serious violent fantasies against hunters (and documented) that mediate the protection of anonymity in part, potentially illegal content and not only ethically questionable but are strictly rejected. They are simply inhuman.
Some examples: "This Jägerpisser should be careful, not that one day a couple of violent animal lovers will take the helm in the hand of hate, anger and sadness can quickly become an explosive mix!" or "That seriously disturbed killers (ie hunters) thinking is not possible, because they have no brain in the skull is well known. Less well known is that some members of this scum of humanity sometimes have the consequence at all for their defenseless animals committed crimes to shoot yourself or to be shot. " or "Under Adolf Hitler, the perverse figures murdered in concentration camps to murder, now they are legal in nature". or "What the person who this crime [in the image shot, Fox] has committed, wish is that he ... if he eventually plays itself has children, is haunted by a psychopathic killer as ...". A logo is used by a user from the text "I like hunting acident. Some drastic websites we have omitted due to the strong interest in scatology and other imperfections.
unacceptable Also in our opinion, services like disinformation campaigns that argue that some, every year committed by hunters many accidents and murders and produce howlers such as "Many hunting accidents are reported not only better can you look at the manual connect from a village nurse. " or "Do not let hidden" hunting accidents "fatalities or cases in which a miss resulted in serious injuries almost every week in the newspapers such reports related to -.. usually very small," under "Miscellaneous"
One may argue there yet, maybe we read the wrong papers, therefore likely, such an error are no longer present in any of the following sentences: "rampages are almost always carried out with hunting weapons man can not say that legally obtained guns play in crime only a minor role in the running amok of Erfurt with Ex acquired... his weapon legally at Frankonia hunting, a hunting outfitter. " or "For a murderer-in-law, it would be in terms of the expected penalty may still one added strenuous option to make friends with the object of his hatred, to persuade it to Wildschweinhatz and disguise the fatal shooting as a hunting accident." So it goes merrily on relevant pages, without the content would be true. Who in the face of actual violence taking place, eg in children, innocent Büger engaged in the hunt as "lust killer" means disqualified for any further discussion.
And finally, there is a lively scene of "animal liberators" and similar fanatics about their actions, at least for society is a broad consensus: It is dangerous and it should be rejected. There are a few musicians liked it already, they look forward quietly, when, once again was struck. Too often such actions are nothing more than acts of compensation, because pp anyway, capitalism, the state, authorities, etc.. "To the leather" will. But that is not dangerous. Better to just cut it alone at night a high seat or disrupts a hunting society, together with 17 other young people with the whistle. Resistance force may indeed now be as easy ...
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