The Left, the weapons and hunting the firearms legislation and hunting policy positions of a party presumably the ultimate goal of communism is - a system that requires the removal of the free democratic basic order and is responsible for millions of victims? Can this party - and it was only at the local level - on issues affecting the liberty and property rights of citizens (such as expropriation and taxation of weapons possession or restriction of land ownership associated with the hunting laws) take seriously? Make your own self-judgment. know from the gun laws we talk enough of the position of the left, as it comes through as a request to the German Bundestag on 23/03/2009 expressed. There has demanded among other things: " a general ban on the storage of firearms in the home and, unless there are exceptions, must give, in addition to strict security arrangements, unannounced inspections to determine. Firearms are to be defined according to safety at sports clubs and other suitable places to store to constantly monitor and be. To the security standards is the adoption of the previously existing requirement for the possession for the separate storage of weapons and ammunition. The storage places or areas must be secured independently from each other. " recovery time secret powers - the infamous gun lobby In the left hand close to and in proportion owned newspaper the New Germany "was found under the title" friendly neighbors with the finger on the trigger "a text on firearms legislation with following statements: "Somehow you wonder if you have not heard for a long period of school shootings - so much so, these incidents have become the norm. ... This is partly because the German weapons law is so complicated that even experts can not see through. Unless they are paid by the gun lobby. ... You should not follow him [Lars Winkelsdorf, author of "weapons Republic of Germany"] perhaps in the view that in Germany - unlike, for example, in the U.S. - was no gun lobby. It is true that this country stand in the front row of the weapons do not advocate groups such as oxygen or Walther. No, they send, recreational athletes' and 'hunter' - many of them behind with the abbreviation MP name - prior to their leisure time do not wish to regulate. A case for social psychologists is the issue of all: Free ride - and fire-free - for free citizens ...?" In the first moment after reading up their own cynicism wide. Sure, in the GDR, there were hunting rifles only on loan from the "people's police" and - of course there only temporarily and carefully controlled - in the hands of members of other organs of repression such as the notorious state security or of the recreational warriors in the operation of task forces (combat groups of the working class ") or in the" National People's Army "or border guards or in the pre-military training in different organizations. And critics in the Soviet bloc were also quickly labeled as mentally ill and disappeared in clinical psychiatry. And have been behind every adversity or criticism dark and secret from (such as West German or even American) industry-funded powers assumed (our relatively good knowledge of the few financially chronically damp and volunteer organizations, where concerned citizens prohibits any comparison with an actual "lobby" as we for example, from genetic engineering, nuclear industry or the unions know). cause a result, this article and the central storage demands of the Left are not initially on the factual dispute. We want to try anyway.
square the circle in the GDR: continuous militarization in total population disarmament
nonsense central storage Hunting in East Germany - and thus the availability of hunting weapons - was, as Backyard Safari already has worked out well, closely tied to political loyalty line. Thus, there quoted: "Unlike in the Federal Republic and other socialist countries, the hunters had in the GDR not own guns, but had to borrow these from the local police forces. The weapons were state property and could be removed only for the duration of the hunt. This action was due to the immense need for security of the State whose organs first names of the weapons allocation for the individual game companies. ... The very few private hunting weapons in the hunters, a year of which DDR far officially only 100 were awarded, went to the socialist sense especially . Earned huntsmen, which has generally good relations with officials " This fear of the GDR regime prior to" own "population speaks volumes: even in the Soviet Union were allowed guns and - but regulated more and less hunters - carriers are possessed. The same usual nepotism and the privileges of a small clique of East German officials, who exercised the hunting part intensively expected, even by hard-line Apolo Genten be difficult to justify. The second major contradiction to the arms of the GDR phobia is the desired state militarization of society and the role the "armed forces". The theme central storage, despite its inglorious history, and the background to this totalitarian measure not surprisingly, died out - if only it indeed appeared not even to feel sorry for the reference to the GDR. In weapons online someone writes: "The former police chief Gunkel, SPD MP, has requested the hearing on 15.06.2009 in parliament as one of the SPD-weapons law Profiled again made clear that he was not explain why such a central storage will not go because it would have been in the GDR finally working well. "We can not verify if this is true, but similar claims from the Mini-Trade Union Federation of German Detectives (BDK) into central storage are certainly easy to find. It does not seem to be aware as to what role police played in the fatal totalitarianism - particularly through the administration of a general suspicion towards the citizens and their participation in administrative harassment. The unknown author in weapons to central storage online is also an interesting statement: "There are 7-11 million sharp legal firearms in private hands in Germany. ... Consequently, we would need about 10,000 weapons caches with 1,000 live fire weapons in Germany. 10,000 - which is about the number of German Protect homes, but where would be the most unsuitable in the approach to the storage of such weapons and quantity are often far apart. In addition to expensive (re) construction would require a round-the-clock surveillance of (also on the safety of the guards) one team of 2 guard forces. In a 40-hour week and full shifts in holidays, Sundays and public holidays, this requires approx. 10 (ten) permanent, full-time security professionals every arsenal. The Left wants to present a minimum wage of 10 EUR / h, which would be justified in this non-hazardous job, too. This makes a monthly salary of approx 1670 EUR gross, with wage costs, AG shares in the SV so loose and so 2500 EUR / month. 10,000 stockpile a 10 man = EUR 2.5 billion annual surveillance costs, "the author notes, aptly, that would, paradoxically, make exactly the left to the sport of shooting into a sport for rich people. However, we do not believe that the central storage is the final stage of weapons left right fantasies. For us, it seems more likely that no serious interest in this is practically impossible Aufbewahrungsart, but the shooting will disappear - even the small-bore target shooting. plausible Regardless of the model calculation, it should be noted that military and police depots around the clock not only alarmed, and structurally and technically assured, but also with armed guards and / or stripes - including dogs stripes - are guarded (including infrastructure for security personnel in accordance with safety and labor law minimum requirements). Depots from civilian shooting clubs with weapons quantities of 1,000 or less would have to nearly the same requirements - that is already independent of the personal measures significantly beyond what is described in weapons online. Moreover should be developed sophisticated and controlled method for the removal of weapons , because at least so far may a shooter on several levels shoot - sometimes he has the even when there are different registrations of bullet type (full metal jacket, soft point), cal / muzzle energy (KK, GK, limiting the muzzle energy), different distances or other restrictions. Definitely need to protect drivers on tournaments and hunting at night to hunt at night and on weekends - and at the latest since the central storage ad absurdum, because when I look every time can get weapons and ammunition, when I want, I can therefore still against any possible abuse drive. Legally, the question would be to appreciate the extent to which a compulsory storage of weapons against the will of the rightful owner has ever expropriation character and enforceable. Even if this were enforceable, and all legal remedies had been exhausted, would raise the question of compensation - possibly even asking for compensation for damage caused by game, and particularly where the hunting would make it difficult or impossible under these conditions at certain times. It is to our knowledge, enough people who would be willing to exhaust all remedies. The central storage thus solves a single problem, however, produced some great new ones.
normal Ganz, here to pick up the hunting rifle? (People's Police)
hunter = rich, incompetent Schiesser? The Left talks about the game at times as if it states that it is an elitist pastime, and seems also the forest and the forest industry to consider more important than the game. The new hunting law in the Saarland was also adopted with the consent of the Left. One of the crudest claims is on the left - so the hunting association of Baden-Württemberg summarized and quoted: "In principle, in Germany with the lease of the land and hunting rights to land managers in [a lovely word] can be transferred "Such a patchwork of mini-plots, each tenant (whether forestry, fish farmer or farmer) hunt -. or shoot, we say better - must correspond, hardly one of sustainability and Hege-based hunting. In North Rhine-Westphalia, they speak the Left also called for a ban on trapping : "They are neither humane nor selective enough to represent an appropriate hunting practice." Of course, this claim is not substantiated. Why live catch traps, for example, where the hunter an examination makes the catch, not selective enough, is certainly not yet been explained by anyone. With the reality of the existing North Rhine-Westphalia hunting law, that statement has to do in any case very little. It is your simple ignorance of hunting and hunting rights. But put "stop the trophy cult by the Hunting Act" main thing the left wants as the state of Hesse. Under the title "Hunting is a shot in the oven," says the "new Germany": "Because there are too many deer, the conversion is difficult ahead of the pine monoculture to mixed forest. ... In Brandenburg live on 100 acres of forest on average ten Deer reported that the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for the forest department manager. Seek value would be two to five deer. Agriculture Minister Jörg Vogel Singer (SPD) wants for this reason more hunters. There is a lack of talent. , Do not shoot animals is popular, but it's necessary. " The harsh winter would likely reduce the populations because animals starve. That would be the normal course of nature. But feed irresponsible hunters who are keen to get as much game in his sights. Here is prohibited. It is only allowed to sow a little food to attract the animals and then immediately shoot. " Also in this text we do not know whether to laugh or cry. Aha must be fed only in the form of minimal feeding place, for immediate launch. Sure, that's what the legislature meant by the commitment to the fostering the Hunting Act. A few grains of corn hinstreuen, aufbaumen on the high level. Peng. Forest saved. means Elsewhere in the same newspaper: "Not enough hunters in Thuringia forest. Only someone who has more than 75 hectares, is available free to go to the game. ... About 10 350 Thuringian have a hunting license. This number is constant, according to Gebhardt past five years - but for the growing wildlife too low. ... Since the beginning of November during the high season of the hunter. The trees had already lost a lot of leaves, so that you can see the game well. In addition, the fields are harvested and the wild boars come back into the forest. According to Gebhardt as large community should now move up to a hundred hunts with hunters and their dogs will be organized. Many of hunting, however, went rather be alone or in small groups on the prowl. "Again, again a reluctant hair. Snow, Futternot, winter of the century. No matter. Good vision. A company of hunters to enter and then attack. End the sentimentality of the dignity of creation and the need of the game in the winter. The area we would like to see plays that just has seen the incidence of a hundred foreign fighters and many trigger-happy hounds. This has with hunting as we understand nothing, but to do absolutely nothing more (What actually say BUND, PETA and all the other regular guests on talk shows?). But suits especially this indirect call for the population in the largest possible participation in the shooting of wild game, total ban on arms and ammunition in private hands? And who are these people, on the one hand demand the total disarmament of the citizen, with the expropriation of legally possessed weapons, and the curtailment of basic rights is linked, and have shot the other hand, the forest empty do? We believe it is not excluded that the left would express themselves much hunting enemy, if not the remains of old squad, where hunting has been practiced at the East German era, bizarrely, with enthusiasm, but only in small circles that militate against it. Thus, a high-ranking former Stasi officer wrote in his memoirs that he was a keen hunter, but hunting is no longer performing because they had become unaffordable. Somehow, most hunters I know, I have played so far, not to be wealthy. Ordinary hunters? Erich Honecker with hunting friends
The Left, the "Young World" and the "New Germany" The left developed from a fusion of the SED's successor party, the PDS, which its predecessor the Socialist Unity Party of Germany's major institution of the repressive East German regime was, and the party WASG (labor and social justice). For criticism of the Party shall include mergers within the Left and the Anti-Capitalist Left "(no government participation without fulfilling programmatic preconditions) and" Communist Platform "( Communist positions must remain in the party, end goal remains the socialist society). The Federal Office for the Protection of the party recognized in 2006 (before the merger) "evidence of anti-constitutional activities", and continued even after the merger in 2007 and 2008 observation. It was said among other things, "How far in, Left Party 'act openly extremist forces in the Party of the Left' away." In Lower Saxony, Hesse, Baden-Wurttemberg and Bavaria, the Left will now continue to be monitored by the Constitution. The Communist Platform is also observed in East Germany. Because of programmatic statements of the CSU party leader called for in January 2010, the comprehensive monitoring of the left. were in the ranks of the left and there are former employees of the State Security, which arrived in the German state parliaments and Bundesstag. Most recently, after the state elections in Brandenburg in 2009 revealed that three more members (in addition to four already known) secret police collaborators were. Furthermore, the draw was disputed by members of the German Communist Party (DKP) on the lists of the PDS and the left in about 20 mostly local parliaments. The party chairman Klaus Ernst and Gesine Lötzsch have provided various reasons for significant negative headlines. When the going was rather the lifestyle, writes Bild am 30.07.2010: € 17,000 Ernst currently receives. ... Ernst confessed Porsche drivers and farmers in the Tyrolean Alps, a mountain pasture with views of the 'Wilder Kaiser' is. ... Ernst countered: "I must not poor, are to be against poverty '. Lötzsch however, dreams seem further from communism - but more open than their colleagues dared to articulate this before. So they put in the Financial Times Germany "tight Marxist newspaper, Junge Welt '" on the occasion of Rosa Luxembourg Conference on 01/08/2010 (on "Where is your's to communism?"), Where also a senior member DKP and should address the ex-terrorist Inge Viett a clear commitment to communism from outraged not only the CDU / CSU and SPD, but also Spiegel Online ("In the middle is committed to the program debate, party leader Gesine Lötzsch to communism. In the Marxist-Journal, Young World 'has placed them a text - it is missing any critical word about the crimes that were committed in the name of ideology "). Lötzsch writes: "The way to communism, we can see only when we make our way and try them out ... In any case, there will be no one way, but a great many different ways that lead to the goal. No matter which path leads to communism, all agree that it is a very long and difficult. ? Why "Der Spiegel commented:" The logic is that of a trained Lötzsch Leninistin: After Communism is always the end of the story, only then the path is uncertain. Mankind is encouraged to seek this path - of course under the guidance of the party. And of course after the fall of civil society. ... Where your drives towards the left? And who really wants in this country to communism, "The Financial Times Germany writes seemingly surprised:" Lötzsch even rows back to the far post, but scoffs at Spiegel Online ... The 'enraged slating' there only show how insecure is the establishment. "
Recommended Reading: Alexander Solzhenitsyn (pictured as a gulag prisoner)
"A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and The Gulag Archipelago"
; The illustrious group of the Left in North Rhine-Westphalia, which currently does not condone the SPD minority government from which we can expect significant changes during the hunting rights if they stay long enough in office will, among other things made by people who belong to the Anti-Capitalist Left or the Red means that - "are supported, according to security sources violent left" that supported by the Federation of Kurdish Associations, the organization "Azadi" belong to the - - so the focus then the focus - "is supported by his own admission, criminalized Kurdish 'and which were formerly excluded from the SPD and were members of the DKP. Ironically, against the left-Presidents of North Rhine-Westphalia city is also suspected to have acted with weapons of war. Spiegel Online writes: "Hämmerle [Group Chairman, the left] side activity was in connection with a murder case to light. In January [2010] An eye doctor was killed by gunfire from a British submachine gun. The weapon of the type Sten MK II had sold Hämmerle the physician. Apparently this was not the only weapon that had provided the council politicians. In 2006 he is said to have sold a Kalashnikov AK-47 and an Israeli Uzi submachine gun. ... My client does not know exactly the legal position, said Hämmerle lawyer .... " The " Young World", the former propaganda the "Free German Youth (FDJ), the world today, according to Online" has a reputation as a neo-Stalinists Journal, "now has a chief editor of the" offensive to his past as a Stasi spy "is. existent since 1947, and their paid circulation of over 1.6 million copies, slipped to only about 17,000 (not independently verified information). Their characteristics are not only numerous internal squabbles, including editorial appointments and Emergency Issue, but also the organization of these conferences Rosa Luxembourg and the observation by the protection of the Federal Constitution . He assessed, we propagate the establishment of a socialist society, both individual members and numerous editorial writers were among the "left-wing extremist spectrum" of. Not least partly be recognized violence as a tool in the fight against capitalism and imperialism (but that surprised no one when the East German support for ANC and SWAPO in southern Africa remembers). The so-called "New Germany", which describes itself as a socialist daily newspaper was from 1946 to 1989, the central organ of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and thus an important factor in the Propaganda and the retention of power of the repressive SED regime. By 2007 it belonged to the SED successor to the PDS and is today a 50 percent two societies, one is acting as fiduciary for the links. The "New Germany" was in the communist era on more through absolute loyalty line, than real journalism. Legendary is an issue for the opening of the Leipzig Fair with 41 photos of the former State Council Chairman Erich Honecker. As expected, the shrinking Circulation of one million in the GDR today around 37,000 to an increasingly aging readership copies sold - such as an obligation of a very small regional newspaper. Among the authors there are people in almost the entire left to-left spectrum, as well as the Socialist Alternative and the Autonomous.
Even if they will never understand: hunting has to do with freedom to do
Communism in many parts of the world has the 20th Century and characterized by violent towards defeat of his opponents before coming to power, through state repression, liquidating opponents and promote instability and terrorism as enemy understood States to answer for millions of deaths. Like a common thread of fatal opposition of the communists in for the Social Democrats through history. A supported by armed terror reign is not an anomaly of Stalinist communism, but repressive secret there has been since the Cheka in any communist state and forced labor camps (gulags) and deportations are not an invention of Stalin. The consequences of a centrally planned economy were from the Soviet Union to China and are also enormous because of famine and disease with partly adopted over 50 million people. Even if today the victims of the Hungarian uprising, the Prague Spring, the Polish Solidarity and the 17th June in Germany to be honored few, but we find in Germany is still not everywhere a serious treatment instead of Communist injustice, and in much of the German public's lack of awareness of the suffering of the victims living among us. A visit to the memorial Hohenschönhausen For example, especially if you are led by a former prisoner who is one of the most impressive demonstrations of the crimes of the GDR and the freedom of the will of the people. This alone should be incentive enough for us, right-arms or hunting political nonsense of the Left decided to oppose. references tricks of the weapons opponents The great deception: Legal gun ownership on the agenda Green demands for hunting and gun laws