DSU: Legal advocacy for weapons possession (not) a topic? The economy of the East German spy
turn of the year 2010 / 2011 sent the German Shooting Union (DSU) a letter to their members. Although the topic was addressed legal gun ownership, the opportunity to encourage their members to openly take a stand one clear unambiguous own position internally and externally, but has abandoned the DSU. The case is symptomatic of some sports federations. shooting alone justifies our view, however, no association membership more.
It states: "The year 2010 is again overshadowed by a horrific event of the murder victims in Lörrach Once again, we see ourselves in the shooting. Obligation to justify our sport. Once again, tightening can be expected in the gun law. Again we are out in the media, the arguments against gun ownership in mind. Again, we argue against the concern for the survival of the shooting sports. ... We should be approached even with all due objectivity but also the human element to us. This includes the fact that we are also the victims of Lörrach thoughts. ... For us, this means we turn to our fellow human beings. To see if he needs comfort and encouragement. "Then it continues with combined internal and sporting highlights of 2010 as well as thanking
The letter angered a number of reasons.
The first reason is the mind of their own, optional link target shooting and crime. What has to do the shooting with the crime of Lörrach? Lörrach is the case the first thing one should think about legal gun ownership and shooting sports and the public in 2010? Are the case Lörrach and regret for the only official letter to the members of a shooting sports club in 2010? We find that we just as much or as little as anyone else have to do with the case in Lörrach. We can see no reason it lightly to make a central issue in retrospect - and a closer relationship to help provide under the deed with.
The second reason the deplorable passivity that can be derived from the further description ("the obligation to justify our sport," "expected in tightening gun laws," "arguments against gun ownership before eye out "). We believe it is not just about the justification of the shooting sports. It is about the justification of the private legal gun ownership in general. We see this commitment not only as a "duty", but to defend this right and so decided to defend like we like each other right against arbitrary and populism would. We see not a single further tightening of the gun laws as given, but to insist on the contrary to the facts of the relaxation of the firearms legislation and remove unnecessary and sometimes discriminatory elements. And finally, we mean: there are no valid arguments against private gun ownership - regardless of whether sportsmen, hunters or collectors affected. This has for example the Association of weapons technology and history well in 2009 worked out.
see also other outdoor performance by the DSU is not sustainable to support the legal possession or even targeted publicity work in this direction. So on the website the DSU all kinds of youth work, sports regulations, etc., and some old members of journals to download (to 2003). There is no general account, for example, to questions like "Why is shooting" or "What does the shooting sports youth and adults," let alone possibly even arousing emotions pictures of exciting events and the great atmosphere that there is some there. Whether this is omitted on purpose or lack of professional public relations, we can not say. Undoubtedly but we feel this as a lack of support for the legal possession of a firearm . It is sufficient in our opinion, no longer, the forum to include weapons law or to encourage the members to join the Association of Sponsors for legal gun ownership, such as the DSU has done this in a 2009 Newsletter . We find that an association with 14,000 members, not only in shooting sports and should get involved in youth work, - as the DSU certainly exemplary does - but also internally and externally for our rights with a clear position must occur . Words such as the Association has found 2009 ("outdo After the terrible incident of Winnenden our leaders almost daily with new ideas and proposals towards ban legal gun ownership. ... As part of our small way we have tried to avoid the worst limitations as a complete ban on large-caliber shooting. ... Here is the shocking realization of how quickly our democratically elected politicians are willing to elementary and civil rights protected by the Basic Law, such as the Unverletzlicheit the apartment to sacrifice on the altar of populism. ") Should stay on key positions include an association, like the shooting and the legal gun ownership are up for grabs.
however, should in our opinion, internal friction, such as those sometimes the way the past three exclusive weapons rights organizations identify with each other (we do not discuss who is responsible for what), just be omitted. Too bad that the weapons law Forum text under "Important Notices" prominently published, look at where you have: "... would certainly be no doubt that the FWR to represent the interests of legitimate possession of a firearm in Berlin ... but not only accredited, and this seems more relevant is accepted with a great deal of credit as a competent partner and talk and talk. In that sense I have in connection with the accreditation of pro-legal and FvLW be read here and there, underlying assumptions completely incomprehensible. ... is therefore important that you not only available anywhere, but that one is present at the right time and can play a part, where it is required. ... who work and familiar approach of the FWR, know that we sit around in this not year idly and wait for things to come could there. ... But it prohibits the characteristics of our work under the old slogan 'Open ye good and talks about it' live. "
Frankly, we are like many other legal gun owners of the unnecessary separation and the praises of their own work tired. How different are the efforts of organizations ever, is important but what results they achieve in order for the legal gun ownership. And when an organization achieves a success - even if it is only one Accreditation - then this is for everyone else, enjoyable. As we have pointed out elsewhere point, we encounter enemy weapons everywhere and at all levels. Why they should therefore not encounter the same.
The good intentions of the weapons laws, shooting sports, hunting and weapons collectors organizations must therefore 2011 include: "Let us decide to use sustainable and heard for the legal gun ownership" and "We do not want to work against each other but professionalize our work steadily and we measure our success can be."
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