headquarters weapons storage nonsense
are regular calls for central storage of private legal weapons and / or ammunition was available but are rarely substantiated the usefulness and practicality of such a subpoena discussed.
For example, an application called the Group of the Left, to the German Bundestag on 23/03/2009: "a general Ban on the storage of firearms in the home and, unless there are exceptions, must give, in addition to strict security arrangements, unannounced inspections to determine. Firearms are to be defined according to safety at sports clubs and other suitable places to store to constantly monitor and be. The safety standards include the acquisition of the previously existing requirement for the possession for the separate storage of weapons and ammunition. The storage places or areas must be secured independently from each other. "
The idea of central storage of weapons is a relic of the GDR state and injustice arises from the general suspicion towards their citizens. The allocation of limited
hunting guns every year in the GDR, only about 100 pieces of line politically loyal and deserving citizens - mostly officials. More will hunting weapons were state property and had to for the duration of the hunt for the "people's police" borrowed. This practice was even in the former Eastern Bloc unique.
was on sporting arms only within the sports and youth organizations, whose task was in part a pre-military training, and in the formation of the repressive "armed forces" so as the army, border troops and national security are available.
private collections of weapons were unknown in the GDR.
include demands for central storage, the storage at the police and / or properties of shooting sports and / or hunting associations. This is not only due to practical and economic considerations impossible, but also legally highly questionable and there is also a fundamental misconception.
Practical obstacles
With approximately 400,000 hunters and shooters to get a million to a number of 1.4 million legal gun owners who require an almost permanent access to their weapons.
is hunted especially (because of our standing with vigorous leisure-pressure areas) in the late evening or night hours and in the early morning hours (still hunting) and on weekends (society hunting). Weapons are not only borrowed for several hours hunting near the residence, but also grounds for some several weeks hunting trips abroad and also for overnight trips, which are far away from the residence (and residence not Pachtort identical or invitation or commercial hunt in another's territory).
hunters and shooters to train in particular also at times outside normal office hours (evenings and weekends) and take part in training or in competitions outside of their home - and abroad. Because of the limitations of individual cases substantially different ranges (eg, bullet type, caliber / muzzle energy, distance, different requirements Schrot-/Kugel-/Kurzwaffenstände) they even have to use different items.
to all borrowing and return operations of 1.4 million hunters / shooters the periods referred to police officers (storage at the police) and / or separately examined individuals or members of security firms (in storage properties of Jagd-/Schützenorganisationen) are available. However, there are pages on the hunter usually no real estate, in which weapons might be stored. A Conservancy as a local subdivision has not usually have their own constant and the few properties of Hunting Associations (LJV) are in particular in the area of countries such as North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg entirely removed several hours by the members. In addition, one must not be a member of a hunter in the LJV.
For weapons collectors a central storage makes no sense, because for him the need for precisely the compilation of the valuable collection of cultural history and the work it is. If the collector can not even rely on the collection, is his need no longer exists. Apart from the fact that there is no collector organizations, collectors weapons could be stored. The preservation of this heritage would be greatly endangered. Today's chronically underfunded and often threatened the very existence of museums is not an alternative (see Military History Collection Koblenz).
Economic barriers
If you wanted to implement, despite the pragmatic obstacles at least at the central storage of shooters and go out only 5,000 shooters worldwide, one should first calculate the economic costs.
Instead of the decentralized, anonymous storage of small arms and ammunition quantities at home while protecting a residential building in an inhabited in the control area would have a much higher protection effort are (remote buildings because of the noise emission uninhabited, and not regularly monitored, structurally often below the level of a house, very large weapons and quantities of ammunition). In addition to the necessary restructuring vulnerability of these buildings - roughly comparable to the armories and ammunition depots in barracks - a permanent surveillance. Given the necessary level of protection and from work for legal reasons it would require a two-man teams that would have to be increased for each object on six to ten full-time employees to cover shifts and holidays and other vacancies can that would earn in each case not less than 1,500 € net ( plus the employee's share of the social security etc.). Further, labor required modifications to the staff would be incurred. It is clear that in these a total of several billion comprehensive Costs, of which a significant proportion would be permanent (staff costs other than the one-modification costs), the shooting would be impossible in practice.
Legal obstacles
would be legally to investigate the extent to which a compulsory storage of legally acquired weapons against the will of the owner has character and even expropriation unenforceable. Even if the gun owners in the compulsory storage of non-ownership is removed from the weapons, but it temporarily and largely taken possession of his weapons. As the possession of the property but significant expression is, there is a restriction of the ownership of essential function and of the essence. This should be a wave of lawsuits inevitable. Also, would the question of compensation - possibly even asking for compensation for damage caused by game, and particularly where the hunting would make it difficult or impossible under these conditions at certain times. The least expected would be a year-long, too expensive legal battle with several individuals and hunting, shooting sports, collectibles and weapons Legal rights organizations.
Basic inability of the central storage
The actual storage of weapons is only part of the idea of "Central Storage". A key would be sophisticated and oversee procedures for procurement of weapons. As shown, extends the hunting and sport, not the residence of the hunter or shooter, and includes not only hours, but certainly for several days or weeks (event, special training opportunities such as shooting movies or long-range state, distant hunting grounds, hunting trip) and with very irregular and often poor borrow and return dates. At the latest by the central storage is reduced to absurdity, because if you can get every time one of these purposes, weapons and ammunition, then you can also order almost any time any Abuse drive.
As this analysis shows the central storage solves a single problem, however, created some great new ones.
why legal gun ownership is on the agenda
Legal gun ownership and home Security
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