occupied for many years, I am with the education of hovawarts and other races in my dog school. Even the puppy can quickly learn everything you need for your home and everyday life. puppy school
But even adults who may have problems, can be brought up to. This has been my decades of experience and over again. dog school .
The Hovawart
needs guidance and normal employment, especially people in his family that he can respect as the "lead dog". Therefore, he needs people who do something with it and prevail with him can. The Hovawart is not an "everyman's dog," but must be educated with patience, determination and a lot of attention. He is also sensitive to its people and an extremely affectionate partner and Familienhund.Für beginners is the only suitable Hovawart. These must be supplied by the listed leadership qualities and adapt to their Hovawart can.
Education: The Hovawart is often very strong-willed and dominant. With perseverance and determination of youth he can still be brought up to a excellent companion. The much vaunted independence and late maturity but you need a special training time and more patience. Hovawarte be used as successfully as therapy - and rescue dogs.

Experienced Dog School for the Hovawart .....

Resources: The Hovawart is a reserved, but friendly family dog that protects inherently reliable. He needs close contact with his people, is adorable, very affectionate and loyal.
He is confident, self-willed, alert and fearless. Despite the very distinct characteristics, our guard dogs Hovawarte were our guests in our presence to be friendly.
The Hovawart is out lively and cheerful, calm and balanced in the house. Basically it is benign and very curious.
health and life expectancy: The Hovawart is a healthy breed for decades because of the existing strict breeding regulations. Thus, the Hovawart is one of the races with the best HD value überhaupt.Die life expectancy is relatively high. Some Hovawarte were aged up to 17 years and even in old age have yet to meet any challenge.
The pictures show our sons and daughters of Jambo Wittler dam and from the family of former breeders VDH-breeding "of de Reezegeischder" with Moira Mhian Quellenhof. Some of the shown dogs themselves and their relatives may already excellent performance in the dog / recreational sports and as a therapy dog show. More will follow. To

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