Open letter to the "Advocacy Alliance Winnenden"
Ladies and Gentlemen,
the founder of your organization have lost through the madness of a criminal their families. We know that the loss of a loved one, especially one's own child is the worst that can befall a man. We understand the grief, despair and anger arises from it. We understand that this situation might lead to a fundamental reassessment of their own lives and create a wish can do something about it that does not repeat such things in order.
is morally responsible for the acts of the perpetrators . Morally responsible in a way, is also the home of the offender, the extreme situation in which the offender must have been had, has not interpreted correctly. This concerns especially the father who did not take his gun so placed, as was required by law. We feel, however, with this family, compassion, has not only lost a son and brother, but also a livelihood and in some ways has a future - such as the sister of the offender. These people are victims.
What factors outside the family home , Helped eg in school to ensure that the offender has taken this fateful development - from possible harassment by classmates of the victim up to the possible failure of a reasonable assessment of his educational school social behavior - we do not know.
The legal responsibility of the offender can not be worked up specifically because of his death. The legal responsibility of the father finds a decent German court and, as we hope, on the basis of objective and impartial perspective on the basis of our laws. law in Germany is not the media, the "public Opinion, "the victims or relatives of the victims or any pressure groups said. We therefore accept no revenge threats against the family of the perpetrator, nor public condemnations of the father or even claims to the courts with regard to a subjective as to be fair or too low perceived punishment. On the contrary, such activities are appropriate in our opinion to prevent justice. For the purposes of Christian doctrine we would - welcome, if the thought of forgiveness, of compassion against an equally hard-hit family came into its own - especially if you organize as a church foundation.
In this case, the offender has made use of a firearm. With school shootings and other crimes with multiple victims in the past and present including commercial or home-made explosives, fire accelerants, or even flame throwers, cutting and stabbing weapons, military weapons and other equipment were used to kill the victim or to injure. the brains of criminals have devised numerous ways with many different objects in order to attack their victims .
Yet you say that legal firearms are an essential factor for such deeds. For suicides and personal relationships, the representative of your organization than happy to give further evidence of the danger of legal weapons, are also any type of weapon was used or violence (eg including physical violence), to sacrifice or kill yourself or injure you. Scientific studies suggest here a different but very clear: No matter whether kill and what weapons are available, suicide and relationship killer, because they want to kill , not because a gun is there. Frankly, we feel it is not only improper, but even as reprehensible to despite often uncertain facts and given the underlying human tragedies the occasion of medial accompanied homicide to have your say - such as in Lörrach an obviously distraught mother suffocated her son and later with a small caliber weapon to be fired - cheap and just deeds as evidence of their own demands for a firearms ban, this absurd this parallels are also (Spare us, you deal using this sad case of a child killing that guns obviously did not do are crucial). What must be nationals of the woman, her husband and the little boys think that the loss of their loved ones as a result may well feel exploited? Honestly, this act was for us a Turning point in the assessment of your doing.
Finally, almost daily illegal weapons used to kill people or commit other crimes, sometimes in the street. Crimes of illicit weapons as opposed to hunting, sporting and collectors weapons, the only purpose of the acquisition. to illegal weapons and even spectacular homicides we hear nothing of the "Alliance" - why ?
violence but can not be on weapons, whether legal or illegal, whatever the underlying technology, reduce. Especially in connection with Young people is, first, the phenomenon of violence in schools everyday significance of which is manifested in exclusion, discrimination, harassment and even physical violence against students and teachers. Second, the violence in public places is mentioned, which is aimed at pedestrians, bus and train drivers or police officers - most of it comes from young people. In both cases, the media and the public interest only for outstanding deeds, such as the killing Dominik Brunner, though this form of violence total of more deaths and far more traumatized and injured people caused when school shootings . The many others in the Coma beaten, stabbed, beaten and robbed victims hardly interest anyone. It may be that you are also expressed the idea, but why we hear nothing of the "Alliance" to the everyday violence ? We even believe that the focus on the rare school shootings contributes to other phenomena of violence can not properly appreciate, and therefore harmful.
We hear the mantra of "Alliance" that guns - often concretized as a "large caliber" firearms, as there were no deaths caused by small caliber firearms - citizens should not stand for sports, hunting and gathering or Customs available. We hear that there was shooting and shooting large-caliber not a sport. It is surprising you do not that two and a half million innocent citizens in numerous shooting clubs and shooting a lot of fun in a sport that does not exist? Why people do not fully understand a hand in the "Alliance" that for two and a half million citizens shooting - and specifically large caliber and shooting - sports, no matter how you personally rate this ideological ?
At this point we do not want the social, unifying, inclusive and social benefits of the sport speak - also for young people. We do not speak of how it is in the club Saturday morning when the sanitation workers standing next to the academics and the craftsman and all three have after a hard week at work enjoy a peaceful competition for the highest score. Regardless of the way, whether male or female, young or old, whether parents or single. We meet just as colorful mixed there and nowhere else, because we all are interested just for the sport of shooting. We are therefore potential killers, "ratchet fools," "weapons fetishists" or abnormal in any other way? No, the are not we. We are the center of this society .
But it is obvious that the destruction of this heritage shooting sports clubs with the worst to hear what you can do to this society. And we can not imagine who should have the right to destroy that many people in their community.
We hear how the "Alliance" gives its views on issues of homeland security and on amendments to the Firearms Act - even written letters to the politicians to make demands. Sure, everyone can have his opinion, and everyone can also try sending time or a few to get hold of lines in the media to express it. But more than your opinion you do not represent . You should accept that. Solo your capacity as a victim does not enable you to qualify for legal weapons or hazardous nature of firearms express . Burglary victim advised not to laws against burglary. Theft victims do not demand stricter punishment for thieves. And certainly not in Parliament or on television. We believe that you need to learn that you speak for no one and nothing else than for himself, and that their opinion is no more than an opinion . There must be not only different opinions, but any halfway decent discussion partners must deal with his opposite number and content (not moral) in this light. We would appreciate it very much if it were a discussion of the weapons law more objective and would be conducted based on more facts and less ideology. We know from other countries, such as the United States or Great Britain, and from scientific studies to play Legal weapons no relevant role crime.
We have read with amazement that the "Alliance" is accused in connection with the manufacturer of a biometric security system to stand . We have also read amazed that you can not express it. We have read that the Action Alliance for individuals in the place of the actual work is entered and now "feeds his man." We do not know if it's true all of this. However, we believe that you, if it is true, have lost their moral credit . If it is not true and you also notice this is not clear, you also lose your moral credit. We think you are in your remaining sponsors and donors guilty. And you are guilty of this also the public, where you are constantly to have your say, even though we so useful in most cases little . Keep
We have read the is a credibility in connection with this video game collection in Stuttgart. Video games do not interest us much. We do not think that they represent a particularly meaningful leisure activity. But we are interested even if you try the success of this campaign the media portray different than he was. If it was so that the success of this action should have been misrepresented, in fact, further doubt on the credibility of your statements are attached.
As we noted above, we feel for the families of the victims and understand your situation. But we understand and approve of what role you right into the arms debate in Germany play . From our perspective, your positions are not only unhelpful, but for us too often undermine evidence-based fact-finding. We would therefore recognize - recognize human also, and especially in the light of the loss of relatives - and welcome, if you the occasion of that funding and credibility you would have so consistently and your organization disbanded . Organizations such as the "White Ring" or violence prevention projects (eg in schools) would certainly experienced and committed combatants happy - and your money. Maybe we'll meet there, yes.
With best regards,
Beate Meier-Kuehne
the editorial team of the net hunting guns
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