Monday, August 21, 2006

He Great American Buckle Co.

Sixteenth Fifteenth Fourteenth working

Today there have duplicate information for you.
First, you learn something about the number 15 as well as about 21 August.
WOW! UNBELIEVABLE! , You will say.
But no, it is!

Fünzehn is a triangular number and the smallest pseudo-prime.
15 is the atomic number of phosphorus.
(Apparently, the Fifteen very unspectacular. What a sh * number)

On 21 August remain precisely 138 days until the end of the year.
It passed many important and unimportant things that day. On 21
August defeated Frederick the Great is twice as large Austrian army (YEES!!), The Mayflower left her home port (the Mayflower sailed to America to colonize the land) and a lot in China a sack of rice to.
In Germany passed the law to prevent the misuse of value-added service numbers.
(by the way laws are always adopted. This does not mean it then they are gone, but they come into effect. People say in Parliament "Tüss" to the law and the people say "Hello", in most cases, however, "Piss off" to the law. Yes, yes, it is)

There were also many famous people born and of course there are some died. Born
include: Anathoon eel (norweg. Phil.), Edna Ferber (. U.S. - Writings) and Andrei
Phillipowitsch Pashchenko (Russian composer)

About Jordan went to: Shapur III (Persian king), Victor Tsoi (Russian rock singer) and many others with funny names.

now to the actual topic.
What happened today at work?
Mhhm. Think we'll see.

morning, just before night:
A colleague with Polish accent came back from vacation.
woman: "Hi, I'm Frrrau ...." (Forgot name)
Me: "Hi, I'm Tim."
wife: "Kerrrrrstin?"
Me: "No, Tim."
wife: "Krrrristin."
wife? "Huh ????"
Jan: "I'm Jan."
wife: "Ahhh, Jan, is the short name einfach.Kurz.."

noon on the INTER1
We came with a palette and a Aluwag on the station.
Jan: ". Booar you have ordered a lot but that's all for you.."
sister: "NO Can not be!".
Jan: "Just kidding."
sister: "You mean even if you were pranksters, right?"
Jan: "Mhhmz."
(unlike in the past is Jan not to total confrontation. That was not good for his heart as he was so excited. Jan has namely heart. Jan has also back, and thyroid. Armer Jan.)

We made a little trick, you might say well, we fucked the sister, who slowly become evil was. Then we found a common theme.
Me: "But one has to say, the people seem to pack the pallets so not all the marbles have to say I just... Bescheueeeert"

(Grabbing the way things myself, so Jan and I)

sister. "Yes, we hear only bad things about all the"
Jan: "They are so stupid sometimes so packed the shit because you can pack on his head..."
sister: "Idiots!"
Me: "And we have to pay for the workers are so cheap
sister.." But this is always the case. Some shit and make the others suffer under it. "
We went and were able to laugh at our just Sun hide. This woman has joined just about our work with us and excited us as "idiot". Very nice. Very, very nice.

were Sometime later, Jan and I in front of a lift.
Out of nowhere, "said Jan:" You're a fucking pirate. "
Me: "You're a fucking pirate."
Jan: "You're a fucking pirate."
Me: "You're a fucking pirate."
Jan: "You're a fucking pirate."

The elevator door opened. A man was in it. "Technical service" stand on his name tag. So this is not his name. His name I forgot. "Technical service" is so to speak, his rank, if one could call that a rank.

Me: ".. Here, the Jan, who is a fucking pirate the software can display it makes the time!"
man: "I do not care."
Jan: "The Tim is a fucking pirate."
I "! Neiens That is not this Jan here, which is a software pirate.."
man: "That's me something of a shit what you are."
Jan: "What is there in the boxes?"
Me: "Are you Certain computers and software pirate."
Jan: "You are a pirate!"
man: "You are stupid."
He left the elevator

Then we have today said a box worth 800 € "lost".
have got mild bollocking. We then gave out as Klaus Uwe and if someone wants to complain.

We have the package not get lost. 3-2 -1 Mine! look out ebay under "P16 antibodies. Busy bidding!

smoked meat with potatoes.
Well, well, well, mhm, brzbrtz, I know so was non, non soooo great, no matter
: digests and ticked off, or fäkalisiert

Speaking feces
Jan and I were now in the sewage area.
Why is there such a thing? You could call the space but also "magic room" or "fragrance-space".
But the name alone is bad enough.
Neurology 3
sister: "No, that goes here is not coming into the (outside thundered and blizte it violently, the voice of the sister was lower, their hair stood on end, from somewhere came a strong wind) F. Ä KALI - RAU M. "
Jan: "Ugh."
Tim: "Ugh."
stood in the room a container.
Jan: "What is dadrin?"
sister: "Ehmm, feces ..."
Jan: "Ui, I thought this would be a refrigerator."
Then the nurse would tell us how the feces come into it but we have the conversation stopped.
about such matters, the Sister with the Cos talk grandma to clean or whatever.

Oh, nochwas.
Due to our strict religiosity Jan and I want an 11th Bid launch.
"You shall love your wife can walk around naked."
All in favor please write "But" in the comments.
Any opposed please write a text message with "fire" at the 112th

Thanks and see you tomorrow.


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