Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein Dangers


What a day that was for your privacy.

He started as normal.
Everything was okay. No excitement. No stress. Wonderful. We stopped at
"You can not always be ten-screen ...."
"ohoooo Selavi ..."
There were many other bomb hit.
Our mood was great.

But then apparently struck by lightning.

10 clock: We asked for an inspection of the pallets.
Nothing happened.

10.10 Clock: We asked for an inspection of the pallets.
Nothing happened.

10.30: he went into the breakfast room and asked for an inspection.
Nothing happened.
response: "We're taking a break, we are not now.."

We boiled with rage. At 10:45
clock to be ready to be loaded onto the pallets.

10.50 Clock: I went to the NR1 A small mini-box taken away drugs.

10.51 Clock: It came Cytos for NR1. Of course I was already gone.

-> Because to deny the people at the pharmacy does not absolute, we could go twice. But the Cytos're sooooo important. Therefore they are unopened always 2-3 hours at stations around

11 clock: It was finally started to control.
Jürgen, the driver, but had other things to no longer wanted to take our things. As he had seen that we were not guilty, he brought our stuff but then at 11.15 clock down to the hospital.

11.30 Clock: Work starts half an hour late

12 clock: Pick of the OP-stock

Since we are a 13 clock time must be up to load the blue boxes, we had to begin no later than at 12.30 with the break, PERMIT do so we still have any break.
It went so everything pretty much sucks.

We could in the short period before lunch only taken away a pallet and unload.

We did so and then pause.

13 clock: loading of the truck with blue boxes.

13.20 Clock: We drive down to the hospital

From this time, the day is astonishing way funny.

We came down to the locks. In
was about 30 feet away a man on the ground.
He looked very dazed. With him were a couple people.
We wondered what was going on.
Me: "I think he takes a break or something."
Martin:.. "There is Momentmal The glass is not yet ....."
Me: "Oh shit."
Jan:. "Wooo How amazing is that."

The guy named Knut from about 5 meters in height fallen through a glass roof.
Now he was lying on the floor. He was still alive. He himself was not so sure but I believe that he was still alive. That must have been a fall. At its best.

Now comes a description of how the fall is most likely gone (!!!) of Amsterdam.
Knut balanced on the glass roof is a wall behind deleted. Knut is a painter. When Knut was finished, he was very happy.
He began to dance and sing.
"Baby, jump on it, jump on it, on it, on it."
He made this snake movement, and Spackos dancing, dancing, imitating a robot and then made a moonwalk a la Michael Jackson.
has He made Bautz (<-- Babysprache : bedeutet soviel wie "ist hingefallen") Hattabautzemacht, aus 5 Metern höhe. Free Fall Knut. Er hat einen Legdrop gemacht. Sprung vom 5-Meter Turm ohne Wasser. Knut hat sich einfach mal in einer Sekunde dem Erdmittelpunkt um 5 Meter genähert. Pschiiiiiuuuu (Geräusch des Fluges) Plaaaatsch (Geräusch beim Auftreffen. Wir arbeiten ja in einem KRANKENHAUS, wie der aufmerksame Leser weiss. Knut wurde ca. 20 Minuten später abgeholt. Also wenn einem was passiert, ist man hier nicht soooo gut aufgehoben. ---> never hurt.

We reeled off our work. We set up different scenarios, as Knut could have happened. The Dancing with the Knut is me but the most logical option.

The NR2 came we meet a singing man
Jan:. "You can sing."
The man came to Jan, he stopped about 20 cm from Jan's face I thought Jan will now properly hit together You could see it in Jan,... that he thought the same
man. "Jo, I used to tenor." breathe

on INT1, we told the story of the falling Knut
sister.. "Something like That really is not funny."
Pfleger: "However, I find something even very funny."
There was a little pissed off his sister.
I could laugh no longer.

Although the day was very stressful and fun for a long time remained on the track, I must say that today we have had lots of laughs.
But since the boss is away is a crock of shit. The Vice-Cheffin
stupid is really incompetent and incapable.
Please dear Ed, come back to your civil servants. Bitteeee!!

Mrs K. at the end of the day: "But you see from finished."
Jan: "Because the control was so late, has shifted all totally and it was perfect nothing more."
Mrs. K.: "Then must .. They ask more for control "

morning we ask then, shortly after 8 to take control then we are half and finished at 11

addendum to the day.
As we put things in the OP came from operating room a few people.
At first I thought it would be 2 people.
A total of 15 or so.
But it came more and more and more.
All people who came from that area had completely green suits. green caps. One could .... see only the face

We stood there by now they left laughing at the ducks march which she performs
Then something very strange
Jan:. "Hello Jörg, Michael Good day, Hi Stefanie, Hi Ulf, nice to see you, Good day Joe, you got that old bone, Hi Stefan
........." I do not what Jan was doing.
He welcomed everyone to the first name. I did not understand the world more. How knows Jan only all these people? The series continued. solved the case of the last person the Rätstel on.
all wore a name tag on the front. Jan, the fox, was the sign to see. From my perspective It was unfortunately obscured.
The eyes of the people who came out was because of the hammer.
They also understood well the world is no longer



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